

The Authority of New Organization and the Reconstruction of Village Order——A Case Study of the Entrepreneur Association of H Village in Southwest Shanxi
摘要 本文基于晋西南一个民富村穷的村庄的短暂整合图景,以农村地方秩序中的权威问题作为切入点,运用参与式观察以及运用深度访谈和问卷调查等方法,通过对H村私营企业主协会权威生成及运作过程的分析,展现农村社区治理中不同的权威主体互动的内在机制,揭示村庄整合的基础及其动力。H村协会的发展优势具有一定的特殊性,在有限地域内也有一定的代表性。私营企业主协会基于声誉机制和实际需求为村庄提供公共物品、谋生机会;在地域性利益共同体这一结构之网中,协会与村民、村庄正式组织以及地方政府展开互动,在互动过程中再生产了与三者之间的结构性的关联,促进了地域性利益共同体的巩固,重构了村庄的权威结构。地方政府对协会实施的选择性管理为协会自主性的获得提供了生存和发展空间;而协会与地方政府通过政治地位和荣誉的赋予与谋求、直接或间接的合作、发展私人关系等方式相互积极渗透和嵌入。协会与地方政府之间形成了一种"相互依赖加警惕"的相对均衡的权力关系。对这一组织权威生成及运作的研究,有助于推进对农村民间组织发展的解释,认清乡村治理的现状以及存在的问题。并且利用优势经济资源的象征作用建构其权威,成为村庄中的替代性功能组织。 The economic reform of household contract responsibility system and the building of market economy institution and the political reform centred on villagers" self-governance have profoundly changed rural society as a whole.Violent social differentiation prompts great changing of traditional social integration mechanism.In fact,the social change in rural china performed totally different in different areas and organizations.The appearance of new type of force who self-employed and private entrepreneurs mastering production materials does not just have an economic significance;the previous village power order is also undergoing a change or even a reconstruction,because of them.This dissertation,based on the short-term integration of the village and the field surveys on villages in southwestern Shanxi Province and a participant observation,combined with relevant information and data obtained from indepth interviews and investigation,has conducted a thorough study on the structure of village authority and its changes.Based on the authority issues in rural local order,this dissertation does a research on the birth and its operation of Association of Private Entrepreneurs in Village H to show the internal interactive mechanism and vivid picture of different authorities in rural communities governance.The endogenous nature of Village H,its path to industrialization via decollectivization and relative centralized residence all give birth to an organization of private entrepreneurs.In this context,this paper attempts to answer the following questions:1.how does a village-level organization of individual private entrepreneurs come into being?2.How does such a local organization build its authority?3.What kind of authority structure will be formed for the interaction between such an organization and the formal organizations and local government?What are the action logics and mechanisms of all involved actors in different authority structures?Based on the discussion mentioned above,this dissertation shows the path of integration and infrastructure for private entrepreneur-led village integration.Association of Private Entrepreneurs in Village H is a loosely structured body with fuzzy boundaries,simple specification and strong local flavor.With a reputation mechanism and actual needs as bases,the Association provides public goods as well as livelihood opportunities,and takes advantage of the symbolic role of economic resources to build its authority.Its accessory absorption features enhance its social function in dispute resolution in the village and ability to mobilize collective action.As a result,Association of Private Entrepreneurs becomes an alternative functional organization in case of loss of formal village organization.For the common interests of the villagers,village,local government and self-employed and private enterprises,a trend takes place in Village H that a network of local economy,profits and interpersonal relationship is knitted around self-employed and private property owners and the local association.In this way,specific members rely on their roles in this network structure to determine their special status and capabilities of possessing and sharing resources.The authority of the Association is formed and runs its own way in such a network.And in the process,it reproduces structural association with the other main bodies,thus reconstructing the village authority structure.The interaction between the Association and villagers in business domain promotes the formation of a compensative interpersonal relationship of authority-obedience,and extends this relationship to village daily life domain.By analyzing the infeasibility of capable-person-based governance in Village H and its causes,the author believes,on the surface,the lack of participation of the Association and self-employed and private business owners in the institutionalization of village governance does not affect the promotion of democracy in the village.But the Association has a non-institutionalized behavior,especially in the control of local land resources,and it works together with the village cadres to implement "the authoritative autonomy",which have a great influence on the substance of village self-government.The diverse authority structure in Village H does not bring good governance,but the decline and privatization of public authority.The Association conducts an interaction with local governments in privatized-institution environment,and the local government adopts a selective management pattern to provide room for the survival and development of the Association’s autonomy.The Association and the local government,through the giving and seeking of political status and honor,direct or indirect cooperation,the developing of personal relationship are mutually penetrated and embedded.This leads to the fact that the lateral autonomy of local government is inevitably impaired for the strong position of self-employed and private business owners to a certain degree.Commonality and contradiction of interests are intertwined so that the local government is not able to maintain an impartial stance in the interest conflict in the community.The Association and local governments form a kind of "interdependent but mutually vigilant" relationship to keep a relative balance of power.The process of construction and operation of Association’s authority in Village H reveals how it is that natural economy in the traditional rural communities and its accompanying community power structure transits to a market economy and its matched community power structure.From the transient integration practice of Village H,it is clear that village-communitybased economic privatization does not necessarily make the disintegration of the village,and there is a slim chance of improving the reality through restoring the traditional gentry-style authority structure.There are some special advantages for the development of the Association of Village H,but it cannot do without such general conditions for the development of social organizations as the development of market economy,the local government’s strategy,as well as historical and cultural traditions influence and the degree of self-organization.All these make the development of the Association of Village H a sample within a limited area.A study on the formation and operation of the Authority of such an organization is useful to promote the explanation of the development of rural non-governmental organizations,understand the status of rural governance and the existing problems so that it provides a reference for China’s current village integration.
作者 张芳芳 宋明(校译) Zhang Fangfang
出处 《政治人类学评论》 2018年第2期98-153,221-224,8,共61页 Political Anthropology Review
关键词 私营企业主协会 新兴组织权威 地域性利益共同体 村庄秩序重构 权力均衡 Private Eentrepreneurs Association Emerging Organizations Authority Local Community of Interest Village Order Reconstruction Power Balance
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