Traditional China is a society based on the small-scale peasant economy. As the basic living unit,in the normal state of self-production and self-satisfaction,the regular market of rural society is still needed to adjust the surplus to maintain the normal operation of production and life. Historically,the market has basically been formed naturally. Even if someone set up a market,it is mainly related to the family or clan power of rural society,and there are fewimprints of the country. This is in line with the dual structure of Chinese society. The function of political domination is concentrated in cities,the tentacles of central power ceased in the county. The scattered,isolated and backward rural society was housed in the self-organization of the family. The top-down administrative power and autonomy were concentrated in the hands of the landlord. The rural market has become a part of the local society and has nothing to do with the country. The naturally-generated country farms provideemotional communication and spiritual comfort to the villagers while they are complementary,the formation of its rules and order is based on the power of the rural society itself,in parallel with the high-ranking autocratic monarchy on two tracks( of course,it is not that the kingship is never involved in the market,but this intervention is only symbolic,civil regulation and the gentry autonomy "hangs"the central power).With the modern China’s commitment to building an independent nationstate,the urban-rural division,the separation of government and people,and the fragmentation of local autonomy began to move toward political unification. In the process of modernization,in order to shape various social classes and social groups into a national "community "of thoughts and interests,the state began to pay attention to the countryside. After the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949,the state power extended to the rural society extensively. As a market center of rural social economy,society and culture,it naturally became the object of state power control. Various institutions representing state power entered the market,resulting in a national pulse,a beating will give it a deep tremor. Since the founding of New China,it was faced with a peasant country dominated by agriculture and a predominantly rural population. In order to build a strong modern state as soon as possible,a centralized state system was established in politics,requiring the local authorities to obey the central government absolutely;Implement an industry-led catch-up strategy in the economy and establish a rigid planned economic system. The free market of the millennium —the rural market has been restricted,cracked,and even banned and closed due to the incompatibility with the national plan. Small business haw kers who rely on the market to make a living are forced to change their careers during the rectification,transformation and cooperation. The market has almost disappeared from the lives of farmers.At the same time,in order to solve the high cost of dealing with hundredsof millions of small farmers,the state began to implement a production cooperation movement in the countryside. The direct object of the state’s unified purchase and marketing has become a cooperative,which not only saves transaction costs,but also controls scarce resources. It also achieves the goal of integrating a scattered rural society into the country through the organization of scattered small farmers. As a result,the rural society that has been separated from the central authority in history has entered the national state system,and the track of ruling power has been paved to the door of thousands of households.At this time,the rural market is under the control of the state. The rise and fall of the grassroots market has become a product of the will of the state. It is subject to the need of the state to draw resources from the rural society and integrate the rural society. The existence and abolition of the market highlights the interests of the peasants and the state. The interactive game of interests,local social power and state power,the market operation follow s the logic of politics. The original local forces and folk traditions on the market were ruthlessly ruined. The rules and order of the market society came from the unilateral creation of state authority to meet the national goals. Of course,in the face of the survival needs of the peasants,political power has to leave a gap in the survival of the market. The repeated prohibition of speculation and the quiet existence of the "black market "is the economic action ability of the villagers as equal citizens and the right to survival. The existence of those unstoppable markets not only show s the tenacious vitality of the grassroots market,but also indicates the necessity and possibility of social self-satisfaction.When the rural reforms that originated from the needs of the peasants survived the iron curtain of the planning system,the peasants’ autonomy and the disposal of surplus products gave birth to the grow th and development ofthe rural market,and once the market was reborn,it will run according to its own logic. The gates of the market are slow ly opening. Once opened,it is difficult to close. People’s enthusiasm for wealth and their determination to defend their property will push history forward and gradually constrain the government’s behavior. With the liberalization of the market,the state is beginning to shift from the direct controller of the market to rule makers,order guides and rights guarantors. The state has made a "selective exit " in the market,but it has not given up its intervention in the market. However,the way,means and strength of its regulation of the market have changed. Under the new conditions,the state appears in the market with another role. At this time,the grassroots government,industrial and commercial offices,and tax offices stationed in the town are both managers of the market and representatives of national interests. And with the central government’s relaxation of local and state control over society,local spokespersons of public power also create rules that draw their own interests,leading to the multiplex of market rules.The development of the market has nurtured a large number of independent market players. This liberation of the peasants has weakened the state’s reform of direct control of peasants and rural areas,including rural markets,so that the peasants will immediately exert a strong vitality as soon as they enter the market. By working hard in the market,they accumulate resources and wealth,and by participating in the distribution of interests,they draw power in the process of their own development,and they are attached to the government to obtain capital that is challenged by the government. In order to protect their own interests,they not only resist the unreasonable rules,but also use their own power to distort and adapt the rules until the creation of the( submarine) rules changes the relationship with the government( state).Although the ability of the main body of the private market is still veryweak,the action is cautious and ill-conceived,and there is no clear rule and order. From time to time,it also show s the attachment to administrative power,but with the pursuit of independent interests by the market participants in the exchange,it will inevitably produce the imagination of the rules for safeguarding interests. They have begun to move from the claim of safeguarding interests to the covert or publicly flexible rules until the "minor practice " that affects the formation of order is precisely the concrete manifestation of the grow th of economic power and social power in the market,explaining that political power no longer fully controls the market. There is no longer a single product supply and demander in the market. It is impossible to create market rules and construction order alone,because the actions of other market entities change or narrow the policy options available to the state. As a result,the representatives of public power,merchants and peasants,and the gangsters who are doing nothing,have once again become "people in the market"by the marginalized people of the past,and have realized the grow th of power in the process of pursuing their own independent interests. A variety of native "market forces"have appeared. They are both rushing passengers in the market,and they all become strong or weak,or explicit or dark social forces to participate in market activities,shaping the rules and order of market operations.At this time,the grassroots market is not only the goods exchange center,but also the social and entertainment center of the rural community. It is also the administrative center of the state to govern the rural society. The grassroots market has become the public space of the local society. The similar teahouses and restaurants in the past and the present,the streets and dams of the national discourse and the commercial and folk vocabulary have not only expanded the life of the peasants,but also constructed a unique communication channel for the rural society,show casing the endless charm of "small traditions ". Thegrassroots market also plays an irreplaceable integration role for rural society by means of spatial expansion,material distribution,information exchange,discourse transfer,group communication,emotional adjustment and public entertainment. M oreover,the relatively fixed communication mechanism provided by the market as a link and relying on the aggregation and communication,teahouses and other public spaces has become an alternative to institutionalized channels,cultivating and constructing the internal order of the market community’s self-operation,and highlighting it in a certain sense. The vitality and vitality of civil society’s self-survival and development show the level of independent development of market communities. Here,the state’s regulation still exists,but with the increase of the diversity and autonomy of rural society,political power is relatively shrinking. Therefore,the grassroots market community presents us with a free and self-contained public business,social and living space. The market community’s self-regulation and integration capabilities are continuously enhanced. The country’s absolute control over rural society through market space gives way to national integration and the two-way mutual structure of market community self-integration.Of course,several forces in the power network are not balanced,but are constantly evolving in conflicts and games. The trend of its grow th and decline reflects the transformation process of a market-wide rule and order from oneyuan control to multi-participation;A process from mandatory external intervention to economic and social self-regulation and continuous adjustment and balance of interests between the state and farmers;A political field monopolizes all powers toward the process of decentralization and transfer,that is,the process of state-to-market and social empowerment;a process in which state power penetrates into every corner of society and society gradually grow s together,a process of saving transaction costs is also a process. The process of transformation of state governance in the process of modern stateconstruction. In the meantime,although it is chaotic and complicated,the chaos hides the order,and the miscellaneous highlights the vitality.The power structure of the market society has experienced the dominant power of the market,the absolute dominance of state power,the interaction of state power and the endogenous power of the market,the mutual construction and the joint construction of the rules and order of the market. The history of rural market trade after the founding of the People’s Republic of China is closely linked with the history of modern state construction. The market domain has interpreted the penetration,control and contraction of state power into grassroots society,the grow th of endogenous power in market communities and the transfer of state power to society. Changes in the transition and transfer,and thus the market space is derived from the common structure of state power and social power. Its rules and order are both state-built and social self-generating.
Political Anthropology Review
Rural Market
Political Power
Economic Power
Social Power
Cultural Power