中药马蔺子系鸢尼科植物马蔺[IrisLactea Pall.Var.Chinensis(Fisch)Koidz]的成熟种子,始见于神农本草经,本草纲目称为蠡实。我们从马蔺子中提取的Iq7611,为一新型醌类结构,经药理和临床研究证明具有显著的放射增敏效果。
Iq 7611 was an active prineiple of quinone structure extracted from a Chinesetraditional drug"Ma-lin Zi"(the seed of Iris Lactea pall.Var.Chinensis Fisch Koidz).Experimentally,it showed marked radiosensitivity enhancement effect against HeLa cells,MA 737 mammary carcinoma in mice and human intestinal mucoadenocarcinoma in nudemice,especially in hypoxic condition.The mechanism of the radiosensitivity enhancementeffect was related to lowering of oxygen consuming rare and depletion of glutathione intumor cells.The randomized controlled elinical therapeutic trials were carried out in 458 patients,including 218 lung cancer,187 esophageal cancer,24 surface metastatic tumor and 29others.The CR and CR+PR rate of lung cancer in combined-treatment group were sig-nificantly higher than that of the control group.The 2 and 3-year survival rate of lungcancer patients in combined group were 27%and 25%,while in control group only 8.2%and 0%respectively.The radiosensitivity enhancement effect of Iq7611 against esophagealand metastatic cancer were also apparent.The toxicity of Iq7611 was very low and only afew patients showed anorexia or nausea which would not influence the drug regimen.Futhermore,Iq7611 can protect bone marrow function and enhanced immune function ofcancer patients.So Iq7611 mpars to be a good adjuvant in cancer tadiotherapy.