
中国绿色变轨型高技术产品第一批消费者的购买意向模型——基于汽车产业的多重比较研究 被引量:4

The Consumer’s Purchase Intention Model of Trajectory-transformed Hi-technoloical Products at the Stage of Market Launch——The Multiple Comparative Studies Based on China Automotive Industry
摘要 绿色变轨型高技术创新(GTTT)是同时实现国家绿色发展、产业转型升级和企业竞争颠覆的战略路径,但这类创新经常是反市场导向的,从而产生与主流理论冲突的理论困境。本文针对GTTT产品市场启动的复杂管理情景,以汽车产业为案例,采取突破前人研究范式的多重理论整合使用的研究路径和多重实证比较的研究方法,首先筛选可能涉及的解释变量,再研究这些变量对GTTT产品第一批消费者购买意向的影响及与顺轨高技术创新(TUT)产品的差异,发现:对GTTT产品第一批消费者的购买意向,对产品态度、对环境责任态度、感知行为控制、个体导向意识和时尚意识均有显著正向影响,西方学者提出的主观规范和中国学者提出的替代主观规范的面子意识和群体一致意识均没有显著影响;而对于TUT产品的消费者购买意向,对产品态度、主观规范、面子意识和群体一致意识均有显著正向影响,对环境责任态度、感知行为控制、个体导向意识和时尚意识具有负向影响或没有显著影响。本文进一步对理性行为理论、计划行为理论、中国学者提出的理论模型以及本文提出的模型对GTTT产品和TUT产品,以及新产品市场启动期和大众时期的整体适配性进行了实证检验和比较分析,发现了四个理论模型分别适配的新产品创新类型及其市场发展时期。本文做出以下理论贡献:建立可指导制定反市场导向的GTTT产品市场启动战略的消费者购买意向模型,并消除被学界广泛使用的理论工具存在的理论误导。 Green-oriented trajectory-transformed hi-technological(GTTT)innovation,which is characterized by the triple trajectorytransforms of technology,market and product utility,is the common strategic path that leads to the national green development,the industrial restructuring and upgrading,and the disruption of market competition.For solving the strategic difficulties and theoretical dilemma of the market launch of GTTT product,by means of aiming at the special complexity of management situation of the market launch of GTTT product,as well as taking automobile industry as a case and the research path of integrating multiple consumer behavior theories and the multiple empirical comparative studies being different from the research paradigm of available literature,this paper studies the impacts of eight possible variables,namely attitude towards products,attitude towards environmental responsibility,subjective norms,group consensus,face consciousness,perceived behavioral control,self-consciousness and fashion awareness which are all obtained through theoretical analysis and literature review,on the consumer’s purchase intention at the stage of market launch of GTTT product,as well as the differences of the impacts on trajectory-untransformed technological(TUT)products.The study finds that all of attitude towards products,attitude towards environmental responsibility,perceived behavioral control,self-consciousness and fashion awareness have a significant positive impact on the consumer’s purchase intention of GTTT products at the stage of market launch,subjective norms found by the scholars in western countries,as well as group consensus and face consciousness being used to substitute subjective norms by Chinese scholars have no significant effect.While for the consumer’s purchase intention of TUT products,all of attitude towards products,subjective norms,face consciousness,group consensus have a significant positive impact,but all of attitude towards environmental responsibility,perceived behavioral control,self-consciousness and fashion awareness have negative or no significant effect.This paper further tests and analyzes the suitability of the four consumer’s purchase intention models,namely the theory of reasoned action,the theory of planned behavior,the Chinese consumer’s purchase intention model developed by Chinese scholars,and the model developed by this paper,for both GTTT products and TUT products,and both launch stage and mass stage of market development,and finds the innovative type and the market stage of new products which is most suited by one of the four consumer’s purchase intention models,respectively.Through above studies,this paper successfully builds the consumer’s purchase intention model that reflects and suits the special complex management situation of GTTT product at the stage of market launch,reveals the differences in the factors influencing the consumer’s purchase intentions between GTTT product and TUT product,as well as between the launch stage and the mass stage of GTTT product,and produces the theoretical tool adapted to the relevant research and marketing decision.The above findings have both theoretical and practical significance.
作者 肖海林 张术丹 Xiao Hailin;Zhang Shudan(Business School,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081)
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期103-119,共17页 Management Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(17AGL004)。
关键词 绿色技术创新 颠覆性创新 市场战略 消费者购买意向 计划行为理论 green technological innovation disruptive innovation market strategy consumer’s purchase intention theory of planned behavior
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