

Exploring the Effect of Influencing Factors of Rural Residents’Behavior Intention of Identifying Online Misinformation:An Analysis Based on Y County,Henan Province
摘要 激发农村居民积极主动的网络虚假信息甄别行为意向,是抵御虚假信息侵害的重要手段。本文通过在河南省Y县16个行政村的实地问卷调查和实证分析发现,甄别态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制、个人规范、风险感知、惩罚确定性、惩罚严厉性均正向影响农村居民网络虚假信息甄别行为意向。在个体特征方面,女性的甄别行为意向强于男性,这与现有研究相反,受访农村地区和村民的社会文化结构和个体心理特质或是导致这一结果的原因。此外,受教育程度越高、社交网络密度越大,甄别行为意向越强烈。研究认为,应探索建立网络虚假信息协同化防范机制和技术平台,大力开展防范网络虚假信息宣传进农村活动,鼓励家庭中的年轻成员增强对中老年成员的“数字反哺”,重视乡村书屋建设,提升村民信息素养。 Stimulating the active intention of rural residents to identify misinformation on the Internet is an important means to resist the infringement of misinformation.Through field questionnaire survey in 16 administrative villages of Y County,Henan Province,structural equation model and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors of rural residents'intention to identify misinformation online.This paper found that attitudes,subjective norms,perceived behavioral control,personal norms,risk perception,certainty of punishment and severity of punishment all positively affect rural residents'online misinformation discrimination intention.Female's discrimination intention is stronger than male,and the higher education level and social network density,the stronger the discrimination intention.This paper suggests that we should explore and establish a synergistic prevention mechanism and technical platform for network false information.Efforts should be made to prevent false information from being propagated in rural areas.Encourage young family members to enhance their“digital feeding”to middle-aged and elderly members;Attach importance to the construction of rural bookhouses and improve the information literacy of villagers.
作者 褚建勋 王晨阳 Chu Jianxun;Wang Chenyang
出处 《中国网络传播研究》 2024年第1期230-256,287,共28页 China Computer-Mediated Communication Studies
基金 中国科学技术协会2022年度研究生科普能力提升项目“伦理风险型技术的科普解读与社会感知研究——以人工智能医疗技术为例”(编号:KXYJS2022070) 合肥市2023年度哲学社会科学规划项目“突发公共事件中的网络谣言治理策略研究”(编号:HFSKQN202302)
关键词 网络虚假信息 虚假信息甄别 社交媒体 行为意向 风险感知 数字化生存 数字素养 Online Misinformation Identifying Misinformation Social Media Behavioral Intention Risk Perception Digital Survival Digital Literacy
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