
考古学视野下的黄河改道与文明变迁 被引量:17

Alterations in the Yellow River’s Course and Changes in Civilization Seen in Terms of Archaeology
摘要 黄河向以"善淤、善决、善徙"著称,河道几经变徙。但是,先秦时期黄河并没有发生大规模的改道,而是始终走《汉志》河道。文献中记载的《禹贡》河实际上就是《汉志》河,浚县、内黄一带所谓《禹贡》河则是淇河故道。黄河大规模改道从汉代开始,后经2000多年频繁的改道、迁徙,在下游地区形成6—15米厚的淤积层,彻底改变了先秦时期黄河下游地区一度存在的丘陵、河湖相间的自然景观,最终形成今天一望无际的平原地貌。改道造成该地区文明化进程中断,大部分城邑被毁。黄河下游地区数千年来生态、生存环境的变化,表面上与黄河的泛滥、改道、迁徙有关,但实质上是人类对自然资源的过度利用所致。 The Yellow River is well-known for silting up,breaking its dykes and changing its course,with the latter occurring several times.However,during the pre-Qin period the river’s course did not change significantly.Instead,it had always flowed in the course recorded in the Han Zhi.The Yu Gongriver recorded in literature was actually the Han Zhi river,while the"Yu Gongriver"in Xunxian and Neihuang was the old course of the Qi river.A significant shift in the Yellow River’s course began in the Han Dynasty.After 2,000 years of frequent changes of course and movement of the river bed,a 6-15-meter layer of thick silt formed in the lower reaches of the Yellow River,and this completely changed the natural landscape of hills,rivers and lakes that had existed in this area in the pre-Qin period,eventually forming the landform of boundless plain seen today.During this process,the development of civilization was interrupted and most of the cities in the area were destroyed.On the surface,the thousands of years of changes in the ecology and living environment in this area were due to the flooding,changes of course,and shifting of the river bed,but essentially,they resulted from mankind’s overuse of natural resources.
作者 袁广阔 Yuan Guangkuo
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期123-143,207,共22页 Social Sciences in China
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