
处方点评干预在本院Ⅰ类切口预防性应用抗菌药物中的应用效果 被引量:2

Application Effect of Prescription Review Intervention in Preventive Antibacterial Drugs Application of Type Ⅰ Incision in Our Hospital
摘要 目的研究处方点评干预在本院Ⅰ类切口预防性应用抗菌药物中的应用效果。方法以2017年1月至2018年12月间在我院进行内固定取出手术的患者130例为研究对象,其中2017年59例、2018年71例。按照患者住院治疗的时间顺序随机分为研究组与对比组,每个组人数平均各为65人。对比组患者:采取常规的手术治疗治疗以及手术后护理;研究组患者:在对比组治疗的基础上采取处方点评干预。对两组患者治疗后,药物使用合规情况、住院治疗时间以及伤口发炎感染情况进行对比。结果采用处方点评干预干预的研究组患者其经过干预治疗后药物使用的合规性、住院时间以及伤口发炎感染情况等指标均优于对比组患者(P<0.05)。结论对于内固定取出手术Ⅰ类切口预防性应用抗菌药物进行处方点评干预,对于患者药物合规的使用有了明显的提高,伤口由于用药不当引起的细菌感染感染也明显减少。 Objective To study application effect of prescription review intervention in preventive antibacterial drugs application of type I incisions in our hospital.Methods We chose 130 cases of internal fixation and removal surgery patients in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2018 as research objects,including 59 cases in 2017 and 71 cases in 2018.Divided them into study group and control group randomly according to hospitalization sequence,with average of 65 cases in each group.Control group:routine surgical treatment and post-operative nrusing;study group:intervention in prescription review based on treatment in control group.After treatment,compare drug use compliance,length of stay,and wound inflammation and infection between two groups.Results Study group with prescription review intervention had better drug use compliance,hospital stay,and wound inflammation and infection after intervention treatment than control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Prescription review intervention for preventive antimicrobial drugs application of type I incisions of internal fixation removal surgery has significantly better compliance drugs use of patients,and less bacterial infections caused by improper medications significantly.
作者 范丽 FAN Li(Meili People's Hospital,Suzhou,Jiangsu,215500)
出处 《智慧健康》 2020年第33期43-44,共2页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 处方点评 干预 Ⅰ类切口预防 Prescription review Intervention TypeⅠincision prevention
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