

Nursing Management of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Department of Neurosurgery Ward
摘要 神经外科风险大、护理工作量多、难度大,同时也是此次疫情重点关注的科室之一,做好病区的护理管理对于实现"零感染"的目标尤为重要。本文介绍了笔者所在神经外科病区的护理管理,主要从管理制度的制定、人员的培训、病区管控制度的落实及监管等方面进行探讨,希望能为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下神经外科病区的护理管理提供参考。 Neurosurgery is characterized by high risk,heavy workload and difficulty.It is also one of the key departments concerned about the epidemic situation.It is particularly important to do a good job in the nursing management of the ward to achieve the goal of"zero infection".This paper introduces the novel coronavirus nursing management in Department of Neurosurgery,mainly from the aspects of management system formulation,personnel training,implementation and supervision of ward control system,hoping to provide reference for nursing management of the new type of coronavirus pneumonia under the epidemic situation of department of neurosurgery.
作者 刘香莲 邵世蓉 邓天芳 LIU Xiang-lian;SHAO Shi-rong;DENG Tian-fang(Neurosurgery department,Deyang people’s Hospital,Deyang,Sichuan 618000)
出处 《智慧健康》 2020年第17期24-26,共3页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 防护措施 零感染 Novel coronavirus pneumonia Protective measures Zero infection
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