
从“送法下乡”到“法治乡村”——中国乡村法治建设的社会学考察 被引量:13

From "Sending Law to the Countryside" to "Rule of Law in the Countryside"——A Sociological Investigation of Advancing the Rule of Law in the Countryside of China
摘要 乡村法治是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容,也是乡村治理模式转型的关键一环。当代中国的乡村法治包含着现代民族国家构建、现代乡村社会构建、乡村治理现代化三个并行交互的进程,但三者呈现不同步、不协调的内在张力。鉴于中西古今的多重话语体系影响,乡村法治在理论上呈现出内生与外嵌,自主发展与外来思想、制度引入的角力与融合等多重景象;在实践层面上表现出对发展焦虑以及治理困局的积极应对和艰难探索。为此,对我国乡村法治的考察和实践推进,需放在中国式现代化、“三农”或乡村振兴这两个大的框架下进行,最终实现法治与“民情”的内在契合。对此既不能无视“民情”用强制的方式来实现乡村法治,也不能坐等“民情”的自然变迁,而应在建设社会主义现代化国家的总体目标下,积极推动现代乡村社会的构建和乡村治理现代化转型,实现“强国家-强社会-强治理”的内在统一。 The rule of law in the countryside is a significant part of the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance and also a key link in the transformation of model of rural governance.The rule of law in the countryside of contemporary includes three processes:the construction of modern nation-state,the construction of modern rural societies,and the modernization of rural governance.With parallel and interactive relationships,such three processes also present internal tensions of being unsynchronized and uncoordinated.In view of the impacts of multiple discourse systems,i.e.the Chinese one,the western one,the ancient one and the modern one,the rule of law in the countryside in theory presents multiple scenes of battle and integration between endogeneity and exogeneity,independent development and the introduction of foreign ideas and systems,and in practice shows the positive response and hard-working exploration of countermeasures to development anxieties and governance predicaments.Therefore,it is necessary to place the investigation and practical advancement of the rule of law in the countryside of China under two big frameworks of the Chinese path to modernization and"agriculture,rural areas and farmers"or rural vitalization,ultimately achieving the internal coherence between the rule of law and the"public sentiment".We can neither ignore the"public sentiment"to realize rule of law in the countryside by compulsory means or wait for the natural change of"public sentiment".Instead,we should actively promote the construction of a modern rural society and the modernization transformation of rural governance and realize the internal unification of"strong country-strong society-strong governance"under the overall goal of building a modern socialist country.
作者 张林江 ZHANG Linjiang
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期91-107,共17页 Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“健全党组织领导的自治、法治、德治相结合的城乡基层治理体系”(项目编号:21ZDA109)的阶段性成果
关键词 乡村法治 现代民族国家构建 现代乡村社会构建 乡村治理现代化 Rule of Law in the Countryside the Construction of Modern Nation-State the Construction of Modern Rural Societies the Modernization of Rural Governance
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