
中国情境下图书馆学研究方法的识别、分类及应用 被引量:14

The Identification,Classification and Application of Library Science Research Methods in Chinese Context
摘要 图书馆学研究方法的识别和应用是图书馆学理论研究的重要组成部分。本文在系统梳理方法论体系研究的基础上,选取10本图书馆学领域的核心期刊,对每篇论文所使用的研究方法进行编码与统计,利用自动抽取和人工编码相结合的方式调查图书馆学研究方法的应用现状。沿用图书馆学方法论的"三层次说"体系,将研究方法划分为一般科学方法、专门研究方法和跨学科研究方法三个方法层次。其中,一般科学方法包括理性思辨法、历史研究法、比较分析法、新旧三论法、实验观察法、调查研究法、案例分析法、统计分析法、数据挖掘法、系统及技术介绍和模型法;专门研究方法包括文献研究法、内容分析法、计量分析法、引文分析法、关联分析法、评价研究法;跨学科研究方法包括数理方法、经济学方法、心理学方法和社会学方法等。立足中国实践,不同方法层次下各类研究方法在图书馆学研究的具体应用中相辅相成,互为补充,对于解决中国问题、传播中国声音具有重要意义。表1。参考文献68。 The application of research methods is an important part of the theoretical research of library science.Based on literature review on the methodology system,this paper selects ten core journals in library science,that is Journal of Library Science in China,Library and Information Service,Journal of Academic Libraries,Document,Information&Knowledge,Journal of the National Library of China,Library Development,Library Tribune,Research on Library Science,Library&Information,Library Journal.Then,we code and calculate the research methods used in each paper.It reveals the application of research methods in library science in China by automatic extraction and manual coding.Results show that the methodology system of library science consists of three levels:general scientific methods,specialized research methods,and interdisciplinary research methods.Besides,various research methods at different methodological levels complement each other in applying library science research themes with Chinese characteristics.In the contemporary Chinese context,the general research methods apply mainly to the following aspects:1)the transformation and development of libraries in China,2)the development of Chinese librarianship,3)the review,reflection,and reform of library science education in China,4)the development of China’s folk libraries,township libraries and libraries in poverty areas,5)the construction of service system and governance model of public libraries in China.The general research methods and specialized research methods apply mainly to the following aspects:1)research on the process of public library law in China,2)research progress of China’s public digital culture construction and service,3)the application of modern information technology in China’s libraries,4)the evaluation and empirical research of library service quality,5)informetric and scientific evaluation research.The general research methods and interdisciplinary research methods combined apply mainly to the following aspects:1)the further study on the theory and practice of library reading promotion,2)marketing strategies and promotion practices for library services,3)study of information behaviour and personalized services from a user perspective.Based on Chinese practice,the various research methods at different levels of methodology complement each other in the specific application of library science research in the Chinese context.They are of great significance in solving Chinese problems and spreading Chinese voices.1 tab.68 refs.
作者 吴丹 樊舒 李秀园 WU Dan;FAN Shu;LI Xiuyuan
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期33-47,共15页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家社会科学基金“加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系”研究专项项目“新时代中国特色图书情报学基本理论问题研究”(编号:19VXK09) 武汉大学“建国70周年、建党100周年”研究专项“图书馆学理论发展中的中国贡献”的研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆学 研究方法 方法论体系 中国 Library science Research method Methodology system China
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