The article focuses on sound value in phonological system of Fu’an dialect in northeast of Fujian,compares it with that of Fuzhou dialect in southeast of Fujian,and makes a historical analogy of the phonological system of Fu’an dialect mentioned above,Zhangzhou dialect in southern area of Minnan districts and Quanzhou dialect in northern area of Minnan districts.Firstly,it studies the phonological system and sound value in An Qiang Ba Yin,Qi Yin Zi Hui and Banhua Dictionary,three rhythm dictionaries published during the period from the mid-18th century to early Republic of China,then concludes that the vowel systems of Fu’an dialect in these books differ from that of modern Fu’an dialect,and the most prominent difference is the fact that three nasal finals[-m],[-n],[-ŋ]and three entering finals[-p],[-t],[-k]of Chinese mid-ancient phonetics remain intact in these three books.Secondly,it comparatively explores phonological system in An Qiang Ba Yin and Qi Lin Ba Yin,expounding that the divergences exist in both initial consonant system and vowel system.For instance,seventeen initial consonants,three nasal finals and three entering finals of Chinese mid-ancient phonetics remain intactin An Qiang Ba Yin while fifteen initial consonants and only one nasal final and one entering final in Qi Lin Ba Yin.Thirdly,it reveals the similarity of vowel system through synchronic comparison between An Qiang Ba Yin and the other two contemporary rhythm dictionaries about Minnan dialect,Hui Ji Ya Su Tong Shi Wu Yin and Hui Yin Miao Wu,and unveils the differences through diachronic comparison of phonological systems in the above three books and those of modern Fu’an dialect,Zhangzhou dialect and Quanzhou dialect,discovering the evolutionary tone from Fu’an dialect to Fuzhou dialect and unchanged tone of Minnan dialect.In the end,the article explains the causes of swift change of phonological structure of Fu’an dialect and unchanged tone of Minnan dialect over the past 200 years from the angles of space,time and social change.
Journal of Studies on Languages in China
Minnan and Eastern Min dialect
Documents Respectively in Chinese and English
Vowel System
Historical Comparison Study