
基于调神论刍议中西医结合治疗女性主观性脑鸣 被引量:2

The Discussion About the Treatment of Brain Singing in the Integrative Medicine Based on Mind-regulating Theory
摘要 基于对调神论的理解,应用"调神"方法和中西医结合理论治疗女性主观性脑鸣疾病;从中医理论中寻找脑鸣的主要发病病机,通过对目前中西医治疗主观性脑鸣的方法进行探讨,结合女性体质和生活工作中易操劳过度、耗伤心神的特性,借助现代医学对脑鸣患者的辅助检查,学习历代医家通过"调神"治疗情志疾病的方法,对治疗主观性脑鸣与"调神"的关系进行总结,结果发现主观性脑鸣患者常有"失神"表现,西医治疗脑鸣主要通过安定类药物使患者神志安宁,但患者长期服用具有戒断效应,中西医结合既可以提高疗效,又可以降低药物副作用,治疗脑鸣更为可靠。因此女性主观性脑鸣检查常无明显器官血管病变,发病原因较为复杂,病情缠绵难愈,西医常从治疗兼证入手,中医中脑鸣病位主要在脑,与五脏六腑关系密切,脑为神明之所处,全身经气的正常运行也有赖于心神的调节,根据不同的病因病机,辨证论治,中西医结合,调神为主,并对患者进行心理疏导,使患者心平神安,可为脑鸣治疗提供新思路。 Based on the Mind-regulating Theory,using Mind-regulating and the integrative medicine theory to treat female subjective brain singing.Find the main pathogenesis of brain singing from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,through the discussion of current treatments of traditional Chinese and western medicine in subjective brain singing,combined with the characteristics of women’s physique and daily life,women are prone to overwork and mind-over-using,with the help of the auxiliary examination of brain singing in modern medicine,learn from the methods of famous doctors about treating emotional diseases through"mind regulating",and think about it,then summarize the relationship between the treatment of subjective brain singing and"mind regulating".Patients with subjective brain singing often show"loss of mind".Western medicine mainly makes patients calm by diazepam drugs,but patients who take them for a long time are addicted to them easily.The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine can not only improve the curative effect,but also reduce the side effects of drugs.It is more reliable to treat brain singing.There is often no obvious organ or vascular lesion of female subjective brain singing in examination,the cause of this disease is complicated,and difficult to recover.Western medicine often treat concurrent symptoms.In traditional Chinese medicine,brain singing is mainly in brain,which is closely related to the five-zang-organ and six-fu-organ.The brain is the place of mind,and the normal operation of the meridian and qi in whole body also depends on the regulation of heart mind.According to different pathogenesis,syndrome differentiation and treatment,with the integrative medicine,through Mind-regulating Theory,using psychotherapy at the same time,to make patients’mind peace.Provide new ideas for the treatment of brain singing.
作者 李琬瑜 戴晓辉 周智梁 Li Wanyu;Dai Xiaohui;Zhou Zhiliang(Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 301617,China)
机构地区 天津中医药大学
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2020年第11期98-101,共4页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
关键词 脑鸣 调神 体质学说 中西医结合 Brain Singing Mind-regulating Physical Constitution Theory The Integrative Medicine
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