

Visualization Analysis of Research on Foreign Network Public Opinion Based on Mapping Knowledge Domains
摘要 [目的/意义]旨在全景式认知国外网络舆论研究的状况,为国内网络舆论研究和网络舆论治理实践奠定重要基础。[方法/过程]以Web of Science数据库中近17年来国外网络舆论研究的期刊论文为研究对象,运用Cite Space V可视化知识网络分析工具和文献计量法,定量分析国外网络舆论的研究现状、研究基础和研究热点等。[结果/结论]研究发现:近17年来,国外网络舆论研究呈现稳步上升趋势,呈现多学科交叉趋势,地域合作广泛;研究基础聚焦在舆论的"前因"(议程设置、框架分析)、大众舆论的形成"过程"(沉默的螺旋、RAS模型)、网络舆论的"后果"(政治参与、政府信任)等方面;研究热点为网络舆论的影响因素、网络舆论的监测分析、网络舆论对公众网络政治参与的影响。最后,基于国外网络舆论的研究给出国内网络舆论研究的建议。 [Purpose/significance]To realize a panoramic view of the status of foreign network public opinion research,and to lay an important foundation for the domestic network public opinion research and network public opinion governance practice.[Method/process]Based on Web of Science database,taking the foreign research literature related the network public opinion in recent 17 years as the sample,this paper applies the bibliometrics method and Cite Space V,a visualized knowledge network analysis tool,to make an in-depth exploration of the current situation,research base,hot topics,etc.of foreign studies on network public opinion.[Result/conclusion]The results show:during the past seventeen years,the number of academic papers on network public opinion is mainly characterized by a sharp upward trend;the research foundation focuses on the"antecedents"of public opinion(agenda setting,framework analysis),the formation of public opinion"process"(silent spiral,RAS model),and the"consequences"of network public opinion(political participation,government trust);hot topics include the determinants of online public opinion,monitoring and analysis of online public opinion,and the influence of online public opinion on public political participation.Finally,based on the foreign research of public opinion,this paper gives some suggestions to study online public opinion.
作者 刘焕 Liu Huan(School of Journalism and New Media,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049)
出处 《知识管理论坛》 2019年第5期296-309,共14页 Knowledge Management Forum
基金 中国博士后科学基金“网络舆论偏差的影响因素:基于公共事件的实证研究”(项目编号:2017M613098) 国家社会科学基金青年项目“政务新媒体运行绩效的影响机制与改进策略研究”(项目编号:18CXW003)研究成果之一.
关键词 网络舆论 研究基础 文献计量分析 可视化分析 network public opinion research base bibliometric analysis visualization analysis
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