
社交媒体数据研究的伦理治理困境及优化框架设计 被引量:2

Ethics of Using Social Media Data in Research: Governance Troubles and Optimization Framework Design
摘要 网络数据研究已经成为当下最普遍的社会科学研究形式之一,社交媒体平台上海量的用户数据也成为学者们重要的研究数据来源,但此类研究中存在诸多伦理风险,也未形成规范社交媒体数据研究伦理的一致性方法。本研究总结了目前国际上社交媒体数据研究的治理规范,分析发现治理存在以下困境:"公共数据"和"私人数据"判定难;知情同意程序操作难;真正的匿名实施难。基于此,本文设计了基于研究目的社交媒体数据使用决策框架,该框架引入"选择退出"(Opt-out)机制,将"选择退出"机制和知情同意机制结合使用,有效地实现科技创新与伦理规范的价值平衡。 Online data research has become one of the most popular ways in social science research,and a large amount of user data on social media platforms has also become an important data source for researchers.However,ethical risks exist in the research,and the consistent method to regulate the ethics of using social media data in research has not yet been formed.By studying and analyzing the current governance norms of using social media data research in the world,it shows that governance has the following troubles:difficulties in defining the"public data"and"private data",informed consent procedures and real anonymous.Introducing the opt-out mechanism,a frame of social media data is designed,which combines the opt-out mechanism with the informed consent mechanism,to effectively realize the value balance between technological innovation and ethical protection.
作者 陈一 陈云雁 Chen Yi;Chen Yunyan
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期50-57,共8页 Library Development
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目“大数据应用中的伦理风险演化及其治理框架构建”的研究成果之一,项目编号:2017M622526
关键词 社交媒体 数据 学术研究 伦理 框架 Social media Data Academic research Ethics Framework
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