In the two cases of“Dong Lecheng et al.'s application for non-recognition and enforcement of arbitration Award with Bank of China Aircraft Leasing Co.,LTD.”,both courts agreed that the so-called confidentiality of arbitration is“not open to the outside world”,and since CDB Leasing has voluntarily disclosed the relevant information of a third party,thus meeting the requirements for transparency of arbitration,it was concluded that the third-party financing in the case did not violate the confidentiality principle of arbitration.Thus,they rejected their claims of non-recognition and enforcement of arbitration award respectively.The court’s ruling confirms that the third party financing organization’s participation in arbitration doesn’t necessarily violate the confidentiality principle,and is conducive to the development of the third party financing arbitration in our country,but it also raises discussion of the relationship between the confidentiality principle of arbitration and the confidentiality clause of financing agreement.From the existing rules,the interpretation of confidentiality principle is slightly narrow,and does not standardize the disclosure rule of third-party financing arbitration.By drawing insights from this case and experiences in other countries,the scope of the arbitration confidentiality principle should be broadened.This extension aims to safeguard the confidentiality of trade secrets,encompassing potential threats to the involved trade secrets from third parties under special circumstances.Based on the confidentiality clause of the funding agreement,the funder can only disclose the basic information of the third party in the arbitration.
Commercial Arbitration & Mediation
third-party funding
principle of confidentiality
objection to execution