In the French court society under Louis ⅩⅣ,playing games was a crucial symbol of aristocratic privilege.This is because only the nobilities had the privilege of killing the excessive free time through playing,and their games and ways of playing were different from those of the civilians.Games also served as important social occasions for the court society,which means playing could have fundamental effect on one’s status therein.Meanwhile,it was also essential for the nobilities to prove their privileged identity through conspicuous game consumption.These turned games into an obligation for the court nobilities.Louis ⅩⅣconsciously utilized games to build the absolute monarchy,including controlling the nobilities and strengthening the allegiance of the subjects.Games,through enhancing court sociability,also played a special role in the construction of the court ethic of“bonne grace”.Although this courtly game ethic was centered on the sense of privilege of the court aristocracy,its value for reason and judgement sowed the seed of modern consciousness such as“equality”and promoted the flourishment of literature and art,thus paving the way for the Enlightenment in the 18th century.
Journal of Historical Science