
慢性肺栓塞患者右心室超声心动图特征分析 被引量:1

Analysis of right ventricular echocardiogram in patients with chronic pulmonary embolism
摘要 目的分析右心室重构特征对于早期预测慢性肺栓塞患者病死率具有重要临床价值。本研究观察评价超声心动图中慢性肺栓塞患者右心室重构的特征。方法选取2018-05-01-2019-05-01新郑市人民医院收治的40例慢性肺栓塞患者为病例组,另选取同院同期40名健康体检者为对照组。均予以多普勒超声心动图检查,对比两组右心室各条路径情况、右心功能基本情况以及右心室Tei指数。结果对照组右心室内径(right ventricular,RV)为(27.63±3.71)mm,低于病例组的(41.13±3.86)mm,t=15.948,P<0.001;右心房横径(right atrium,RA)为(32.25±3.09)mm,低于病例组的(43.52±3.32)mm,t=15.716,P<0.001;肺动脉主干内径(main pulmonary artery,MPA)为(20.32±2.53)mm,低于病例组的(30.54±2.97)mm,t=16.567,P<0.001。对照组肺动脉收缩压(systolic pulmonary artery pressure,SPAP)为(32.63±7.72)mm Hg,低于病例组的(58.07±7.64)mm Hg,t=14.814,P<0.001;右心室舒张末期容积(right ventricular end-diastolic volume,RVEDV)为(63.51±18.06)mL,低于病例组的(72.54±19.03)mL,t=2.177,P=0.033;右心室收缩末期容积(right ventricular end-systolic volume,RVESV)为(29.34±12.73)mL,低于病例组的(48.15±13.62)mL,t=6.381,P<0.001;右心室射血分数(right ventricular ejection fraction,RVEF)为(54.31±12.42)%,高于病例组的(44.82±14.03)%,t=3.203,P=0.002。对照组右心室Tei指数为(0.53±0.02),高于病例组的(0.31±0.03),t=38.591,P<0.001;ICT+IRT值为(125.09±14.83)ms,低于病例组的(295.41±15.21)ms,t=50.708,P<0.001;ET值为(287.97±18.63)ms,高于病例组的(225.09±21.43)ms,t=14.005,P<0.001。结论超声心动图检查可直接测量慢性肺栓塞患者右心室和肺动脉主干等指标,能有效评估右心室尺寸、形态及压力,利于患者右心室重构。 OBJECTIVE Analysis of the characteristics of right ventricular remodeling has important clinical value for early prediction of mortality in patients with chronic pulmonary embolism.This study aims to observe and evaluate the characteristics of echocardiography in the right ventricle reconstruction of patients with chronic pulmonary embolism.METHODS Totally 40 patients with chronic pulmonary embolism admitted in our hospital from May,12018 to May,12019 were selected as the case group and 40 healthy people who have undergone physical examination in our hospital were regarded as the control group.Doppler echocardiography was performed in both groups.The conditions of each path of right ventricle,the basic situation of right ventricular function,and the right ventricular Tei index were compared between the two groups.RESULTS The right ventricular(RV)in the control group was(27.63±3.71)mm,which was lower than the(41.13±3.86)mm in the case group,t=15.948,P<0.001.The right atrium(RA)was(32.25±3.09)mm,lower than(43.52±3.32)mm in the case group,t=15.716,P<0.001.The main pulmonary artery(MPA)was(20.32±2.53)mm,lower than the case group’s(30.54±2.97)mm,t=16.567,P<0.001.The systolic pulmonary artery pressure(SPAP)of the control group was(32.63±7.72)mm Hg,which was lower than that of the case group’s(58.07±7.64)mm Hg,t=14.814,P<0.001.Right ventricular end-diastolic volume end-diastolic volume(RVEDV)was(63.51±18.06)ml,which was lower than the case group’s(72.54±19.03)ml,t=2.177,P=0.033.Right ventricular end-systolic volume(RVESV)was(29.34±12.73)ml,lower than(48.15±13.62)ml in the case group,t=6.381,P<0.001.Right ventricular ejection fraction(RVEF)was(54.31±12.42)%,high In the case group’s(44.82±14.03)%,t=3.203,P=0.002.The right ventricular Tei index of the control group was(0.53±0.02),which was higher than the case group’s(0.31±0.03),t=38.591,P<0.001.The ICT+IRT index was(125.09±14.83)ms,which was lower than that of the case group’s(295.41±15.21)ms,t=50.708,P<0.001.ET value was(287.97±18.63)ms,which was higher than the case group’s(225.09±21.43)ms,t=14.005,P<0.001.CONCLUSIONS Echocardiography can directly measure the right ventricle and main pulmonary artery in patients with chronic pulmonary embolism.It can effectively evaluate the size,shape and pressure of the right ventricle,which is beneficial to the right ventricular remodeling.
作者 高杰 刘晓阁 GAO Jie;LIU Xiao-ge(Department of Ultrasound,Xinzheng People's Hospital,Xinzheng450000,P.R.China)
出处 《社区医学杂志》 2020年第7期509-512,共4页 Journal Of Community Medicine
基金 洛阳市科技攻关项目(201504032)
关键词 慢性肺栓塞 超声心动图 右心室重构 右心室路径 chronic pulmonary embolism echocardiography right ventricular remodeling right ventricular pathway
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