The patent approval procedure of China is similar to the"third instance as the final",which is the patent invalidation procedure,and the patent invalid litigation procedure of first instance and second instance.The establishment of intellectual property rights tribunals by the Supreme People’s Court achieved an escalation on hierarchical jurisdiction of cases of both patent invalidation application and patent infringement,and unified the criteria for judgment of cases.However,there is a vacancy on the system of judicial authorization and confirmation of patent.In the cases of the court applying administrative litigation procedure to the patent invalidation cases,the court cannot judge the validity of patent.Therefore,the patent invalid litigation procedure is likely to result in circulation litigation,abuse of process and administrative proceedings tired.It is proposed in this article that some reform actions such as setting technical judge,applying Civil procedure to invalid patent dispute,establishing the regional Court of appeal for intellectual property and explicating Res Judicata of patent invalid litigation be taken to contribute to the benign operation of the patent system.
Private Law Review
the Announcement of Patent Invalidation
the Patent Invalid Litigation
the Patent Approval of Administrative
the Patent Approval of Judicial