土地覆被遥感信息提取是研究海岸带土地利用现状和生态环境变化的重要方式。本文提出了基于时相的标准归一化植被指数(Standard Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,SNDVI)建立了农用地的提取规则,并综合利用基于规则的面向对象分类法和监督分类法,获取了马六甲海峡两岸40 km区域土地覆被分类信息,获取了马六甲海峡两岸40 km区域土地覆被分类信息,经验证,总体分类精度达到92%。分析结果表明,离岸线0-20 km区域的开发强度明显高于20-40 km区域。1990-2017年间,马来西亚半岛西岸40 km区域建设用地占比增加7.4%,农用地占比增加12.4%,林地减少21.5%。苏门答腊岛东岸40km区域建设用地占比增加3.2%,农用地占比增加17.2%,林地减少20.4%。数据的空间分辨率为30 m。数据集存储为TIFF格式,由8个数据文件组成,数据量3.36 GB(压缩为1个文件,47.9 MB)。
The extraction of land cover information with remote sensing is an important method currently used to study the status of coastal land use and ecological environmental changes.This study proposed a Standard Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(SNDVI)based on temporal features,established the rules for the extraction of agricultural land;and comprehensively used a rule-based,object-oriented,and supervised classification method to obtain the classification information of land covering a 40 km zone along the coastline on both sides of the Malacca Strait.The results of this study were verified to have an overall classification accuracy of 92%.The analysis results showed that the development intensity of 0-20 km from the coastline was significantly higher than that of 20-40 km.It was determined that between 1990 and 2017,the proportion of construction land in the 40 km from the west bank of the Peninsular Malaysia had increased by 7.4%.Also,the proportion of agricultural land had increased by 12.4%,and the forest land had decreased by 21.5%.The proportion of construction land in the 40 km from the east bank of Sumatra was determined to have increased by 3.2%;the proportion of agricultural land had increased by 17.2%;and the forest land decreased by 20.4%.The data spatial resolution is 30 m.The dataset is consisted of 8.tif files with a data size of 3.36 GB(Compressed to one file,47.9 MB).
Wang,M.H.;Yan,J.F.;Zhang,X.X.;Gao,S.S.;Xu,M.R.(College of Geomatics,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China)
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery