As a transnational economic activity,the outward direct investment can have a broad impact on the domestic politics of host countries.The rapid increase in Chinese ODI has not erased the long-standing debates between modernization and dependency theories concerning the political and economic effects of foreign direct investment on the developing world.Focusing on the impact of Chinese ODI on state capacity building in Ethiopia,the paper outlines three characteristics of Chinese investors,compared to traditional G7 investors:longer time horizons,higher risk tolerance and closer investor-host government relationships.Based on these attributes,the positive role of Chinese investors in Ethiopia’s state capacity building process is explored.In terms of order-providing capacity,infrastructure built by Chinese investors helps the Ethiopian central government to enhance effective control over remote territory,thereby reducing the intensity of the internal armed conflict.In terms of resource-extraction capacity,the industry zone model adopted by Chinese investors has effectively increased the tax revenue of the Ethiopian government and optimized its tax structure.In terms of social-protection capacity,Chinese investment in Ethiopia’s manufacturing and infrastructure has created significant local employment and human capital spillovers,and has provided incentives for the government to promote public education.Chinese investors in Ethiopia are also a reflection of several Chinese initiatives and policies,reflecting China’s assistance to developing and low-income countries in improving their tax collection capacity and its support to African countries in strengthening capacity building and improving governance.
Chen Zhaoyuan(Institute of World Economy and Politics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
World Politics Studies