
驻京津冀武警基层战士心理健康KABP调查及健康教育需求分析 被引量:1

Grass-roots soldiers’ mental health related to KABP and needs for health education
摘要 目的了解武警基层战士心理健康相关知-信-行现状及健康教育需求,为有针对性地开展心理健康教育提供理论依据和数据支持。方法自行设计的《武警基层战士心理健康相关知-信-行调查》问卷,采用整群方便抽样,对驻京津冀856名武警基层战士进行调查。结果被调查战士心理健康相关知-信-行得分及格率分别为54.4%、97.1%和95.6%,总分及格率为94.1%。不同性别、文化程度、单位、家教、性格组间心理健康相关知-信-行总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。非独生子女战士总分高于独生子女战士(P<0.05),参与过5次以上健康教育讲座的战士总分明显高于参与1~2次和3~5次的战士(P<0.05)。基层战士想了解的心理健康教育内容中,排前三位的是人际交往问题(78.89%)、心理学基本知识(73.04%)、自我意识问题(65.34%);喜欢的健康教育传播途径中,排前三位的是网络(手机、电脑)(66.48%)、现场讲座(65.19%)、视频讲座(60.77%);最愿意接受的传播者中,排前三位的是外请地方专家(40.51%)、部队专家(27.25%)、部队医院医师(13.12%)。适合的心理健康教育频率中,选择最多的是有规律地进行(57.92%)。结论武警基层战士心理健康相关知-信-行现状良好,对健康教育需求有自身的特点,应有针对性地开展相关工作。 Objective To investigate the current level of grass-roots soldiers’mental health related to knowledge-attitude-belief-practice(KABP)and their needs for health education in order to provide data for corresponding psychological health education.Methods A self-designed questionnaire about grass-roots soldiers’mental health related to KABP was distributed among 856 soldiers of PAP in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei Province using cluster sampling.Results The pass rates of these subjects in mental health related to KABP were 54.4%,97.1%and 95.6%respectively,compared to the pass rate of 94.1%in total scores.There was statistically significant difference in KABP-related total scores between groups that were different in gender,levels of education,places of service,home-teaching and personality(P<0.05).Subjects from non-only-child families had higher total scores than those from only-child families(P<0.05).Subjects who had attended health education lectures more than 5 times got higher total scores than those who had attended fewer related lectures(P<0.05).The top three topics that these soldiers were interested in were interpersonal communication problems(78.89%),basic knowledge of psychology(73.04%)and self-awareness(65.34%).Among the health education channels of interest to them,the top three were networks phones,computers)(66.48%),live lectures(65.19%),and video lectures(60.77%).Among the most popular lecturers,the top three were local experts(40.51%),army experts(27.25%)and military hospital doctors(13.12%).Regular mental health education was selected as their favorite means of(57.92%)mental health education.Conclusions The mental health related KABP among soldiers’of PAP at the grass-roots level is fine.Ways of health education should vary according to the needs.
作者 于新民 何阳 路添才 陆渠东 刘轩廷 曹春霞 YU Xinmin;HE Yang;LU Tiancai;LU Qudong;LIU Xuanting;CAO Chunxia(Wenzhou Brigade,ZhejiangBranch,Coast Police Corps of People’s Armed Police Force,Wenzhou 325000,China;Second Brigade,Logistics College,Armed Police Force,Tianjin 300162,China;Xiangtan Branch of Hunan Armed Police Corps,Xiangtan 411100,China;Department of Urology,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University,Chongqing 400038,China;Institute of Disaster Medicine,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
出处 《武警医学》 CAS 2021年第4期277-281,共5页 Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
基金 武警后勤学院博士启动金项目(WHB201412) 全军健康教育中心开放性课题重点项目(JKJY2016AA04)
关键词 战士 心理 知-信-行 健康教育 现状 需求 ssoldiers mental knowledge-attitude-belief-practice health education status quo needs
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