

Investigation on Scattering-filling Coarse Aggregate Pavement Concrete
摘要 通过在路面混凝土中抛填一定量的粗集料,制成粗集料嵌锁型路面混凝土,并对其力学性能以及界面过渡区的显微硬度分布进行了研究。结果表明:抛填粗集料后,路面混凝土的7 d和28 d抗折强度有所提高,7 d和28 d抗压强度有显著提高,粗集料抛填量为8%~10%时强度达到最大值;掺粉煤灰的混凝土抛填骨料后强度有明显增加;抛填骨料路面混凝土的收缩率显著降低,弹性模量有所提高,显微硬度测试表明抛填骨料表面的界面过渡区比普通集料窄,且显微硬度更高。由此可见抛填干燥的骨料会吸收浆体水分,增强界面过渡区,有利于提高混凝土的性能。 A new type of coarse aggregate interlocking pavement concrete is prepared with scattering-filling coarse aggregate process by adding a certain mount of coarse aggregate in the pavement concrete,the mechanical properties of this type of concrete and the microhardness distribution in the ITZ at the surface of the adding coarse aggregate are studied also.Results indicate:the 7 days and 28 days flexural strength of the scattering-filling coarse aggregate concrete increase slightly with the mount of adding aggregate.The 7 days and 28 days compressive strength increase significantly with the volume of the adding aggregate,the strength of the fly ash concrete increase remarkably with the adding coarse aggregate,the strengths of the concrete reach their park value when the adding aggregate volume fraction is around 8%~10%;the Young’s modulus of the concrete prepared with scattering-filling process is much higher than the original concrete,the dry shrinkage ratio of concrete reduce with the increase of the volume of adding aggregate.The microhardness of the ITZ between the coarse aggregate and the hardened cement paste at the surface of the adding aggregate is higher than those ITZ at the surface of the original aggregate,and the ITZ becomes narrower too,this due to the dry surface of the adding coarse aggregate absorbed the water of the paste and make the ITZ denser and firmer,which contributes to the strength especially the long-term strength formation.
作者 李将伟 孙江涛 姜舰 沈卫国 吉晓莉 LI Jiang-wei;SUN Jiang-tao;JIANG Jian;SHEN Wei-guo;JI Xiao-li(School of Material Science and Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;Guangdong Province Long Highway Engineering Co Ltd,Guangzhou 510000,China;Xiangyang Traffic and Transportation Bureau,Xiangyang 441000,China)
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第8期34-39,共6页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
基金 广东省交通运输厅科技项目(2016-02-007) 2016年湖北交通科技资助项目(2016).
关键词 抛填骨料混凝土 强度 收缩率 显微硬度 界面过渡区 scattering-filling concrete strength shrinkage ratio microhardness interfacial transition zone
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