
煤电灵活性改造经济效益评价研究 被引量:1

Research on the economic benefit evaluation of coal power flexibility transformation
摘要 双碳背景下,在高比例新能源的新型电力系统中,推动煤电机组转型升级和灵活性改造是煤电可持续发展的必然趋势。通过“有无对比法”,建立增量收益法和损失收益法2个模型,对煤电机组参与灵活性改造进行经济效益评价,以期为决策者提供有力的数据支持,推动煤电行业更加有效地适应新能源时代,实现可持续发展目标。 Under the background of double carbon,in the new power system with a high proportion of new energy,it is the inevitable trend of coal power sustainable development to promote the transformation and upgrading and flexible transformation of coal power units.Through the method of“with and without comparison”,this paper establishes two models,incremental income method and loss income method,to evaluate the economic benefit of the flexible transformation,in order to provide strong data support for decision makers,promote the coal power industry to more effectively adapt to the new energy era and achieve the goal of sustainable development.
作者 郭凤凤 许相敏 程环宇 王杨 Guo Fengfeng;Xu Xiangmin;Cheng Huanyu;Wang Yang(Suzhou CIECC Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215000,China;Natural Resources Defense Council,Beijing 100026,China)
出处 《煤炭经济研究》 2023年第11期18-23,共6页 Coal Economic Research
关键词 煤电 灵活性改造 经济效益评价 增量收益法 损失收益法 coal electricity flexible transformation economic benefits evaluation incremental income method loss income method
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