
上海市闵行区公务员吸烟行为调查分析 被引量:4

Investigation and analysis of smoking behaviour of civil servants in Minhang District,Shanghai
摘要 [背景]烟草流行作为全球最严重的公共卫生问题之一,对人体健康危害严重,控制烟草流行迫在眉睫。公务员作为社会的表率,其行为对社会其他人群有很大的影响,做好公务员戒烟工作对控烟工作的推进有着重要的意义。[目的]了解上海市闵行区部分公务员吸烟及二手烟暴露情况,对烟草危害知识的掌握程度以及对控烟政策的态度。分析控烟相关策略和措施的成效,为干预措施及相关政策的制定或调整提供依据。[方法]选取2020年闵行区所有新创无烟机关涉及莘庄镇、吴泾镇、马桥镇、七宝镇、梅陇镇、虹桥镇、颛桥镇、江川街道、古美街道、新虹街道共10个街道镇的20家机关为研究场所,场所内的所有公务员(n=801)为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式进行。控烟问卷调查的内容包括一般情况、吸烟及二手烟暴露情况、烟草危害知识以及对控烟政策的态度。[结果]共794名公务员参与调查,吸烟率为8.44%,吸烟组对于烟草危害相关知识知晓率均低于不吸烟组(P<0.05)。男性(17.08%)、年龄≥51岁(25.61%)、离婚或丧偶(12.50%)、中专及以下文化程度(22.81%)、10年以上工作年限(11.57%)、对于室内吸烟的态度为劝阻(24.54%)、对违反单位禁烟规定的行为无惩罚或警告措施(18.37%)、家里任何地方都可以吸烟(15.38%)的公务员吸烟率相对较高。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示年龄31~40岁(OR=3.446,95%CI:1.236~9.609)、对于室内吸烟的态度为躲避(OR=3.686,95%CI:1.041~13.049)是公务员吸烟的危险因素。[结论]31~40岁且对室内有人吸烟采取有意离开或者隐藏行为的公务员为上海市闵行区控烟重点干预人群。 [Background]The tobacco epidemic as one of the most serious public health problems in the world contributes great harm to human health.It is urgent to develop tobacco control strategy.Civil servants’behaviors as a role model for society have a great influence on the rest of society.Thus,it is important to promote tobacco control program on helping civil servants to quit smoking.[Objective]To understand the smoking and second-hand smoking exposures status,the awareness of knowledge of tobacco hazards,and the attitudes to tobacco control policies of civil servants in Minhang District,Shanghai.Furthermore,to explore the related strategies and measures for tobacco control,to provide a basis for the development and revision of relevant intervention measures and policies.[Methods]A total of 20 government agencies with newly installed smoking-free programs from10 subdistricts and towns in Minhang District,including Xinzhuang,Wujing,Maqiao,Qibao,Meilong,Hongqiao,Zhuanqiao,Jiangchuan,Gumei,and Xinhong were selected as study sites.A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate all civil servants(n=801)of selected agencies.The questionnaire included general characteristics,smoking and second-hand smoking exposure status,knowledge of tobacco hazard,and attitudes to tobacco control policies.[Results]A total of 794 civil servants returned valid questionnaires.The awareness rate of tobacco hazards in the smoking group was lower than that in the non-smoking group(P<0.05).Relatively high smoking rates were reported in those being male(17.08%),age≥51 years old(25.61%),divorced or widowed(12.50%),technical secondary school or below education level(22.81%),having more than 10 years of working years(11.57%),being willing to dissuade indoor smoking(24.54%),having no punishment or warning measures for violation of smoking regulations in workplaces(18.37%),and having no dedicated smoking spot at home(15.38%).The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age 31-40 years old(OR=3.446,95%CI:1.236-9.609)and to avoid confronting indoor smoking(OR=3.686,95%CI:1.041-13.049)were risk factors for smoking in civil servants.[Conclusion]Civil servants aged 31-40 years old who deliberately avoid confronting indoor smoking behaviors are the key intervention population of smoking control in Minhang District,Shanghai.
作者 郭炜晴 丁克颖 王健 陈慧 栾晶 刘志连 刘涛 邬家杰 杨琴文 GUO Weiqing;DING Keying;WANG Jian;CHEN Hui;LUAN Jing;LIU Zhilian;LIUTao;WU Jiajie;YANG Qinwen(Health Education Department,Shanghai Minhang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 201101,China;Department of Health Promotion,Office of Shanghai Minhang District Patriotic Health Campaign Committee,Shanghai 201199,China)
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期47-52,共6页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 公务员 吸烟行为 影响因素 civil servant smoking behaviour influencing factor
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