

Research on the Acceptance of Mobile Learning among College Students in the Era of Education Informatization 2.0
摘要 教育信息化2.0时代,各类信息平台广泛应用于教学场景当中,移动学习也迎来新的发展契机。文章借鉴成熟的TAM模型,结合地方高校教学实践,构造经管类专业大学生移动学习接受度模型,研究结果显示:移动学习感知易用性对移动学习感知有用性、移动学习态度均有正向影响,对移动学习感知有用性影响更显著;移动学习感知有用性对移动学习态度、移动学习行为有正向影响,对移动学习态度影响更为显著;移动学习态度对移动学习行为影响显著。由此,研究提出移动学习方式“常态化”、移动学习资源“适切化”、移动学习组织“灵活化”等建议,以期在教育信息化发展的“融合”与“创新”阶段,助推师生在“教”与“学”场景中的深化变革。 At present,in the era of educational informatization 2.0,various information platforms are widely used in teaching scenarios,and mobile learning has also ushered in new development opportunities.The article draws inspiration from the mature TAM model and combines with the teaching practice of local universities to construct a mobile learning acceptance model for college students majoring in economics and management.The research results show that the perceived ease of use of mobile learning has a positive impact on the perceived usefulness and attitude of mobile learning,with a more significant impact on the perceived usefulness of mobile learning;The perceived usefulness of mobile learning has a positive impact on mobile learning attitudes and behaviors,with a more significant impact on mobile learning attitudes;The attitude towards mobile learning has a significant impact on mobile learning behavior.Therefore,the study proposes suggestions such as"normalization"of mobile learning methods,"appropriateness"of mobile learning resources,and"flexibility"of mobile learning organizations,in order to promote the deepening transformation of teachers and students in the"teaching"and"learning"scenarios during the"integration"and"innovation"stages of educational informatization development.
作者 田姗 TIAN Shan(Engineering and Technology College,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430068)
出处 《科教导刊》 2023年第12期85-87,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 湖北省教育厅2019年哲学社会科学研究项目“教育信息化2.0时代应用型高校营销类课程移动学习模式研究”(19G133) 院级教研项目“基于UTAUT 2模型的营销类课程线上线下混合式教学效果评价研究”(X2020012)
关键词 教育信息化 移动学习接受度 技术接受模型 educational informatization the acceptance of mobile learning technology acceptance model
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