

The Logical Starting Point and Practical Path to Enhance People’s “Sense of Gain” in New Era
摘要 新时代,中国社会主要矛盾发生重要转变,人民对美好生活的需求日益多元化,而人民群众的"获得感"成为检验改革成效与发展成果的新标杆。获得感的提出,是以马克思主义唯物史观为理论逻辑起点,以人民对美好生活向往的需要为现实起点,具有鲜明的中国特色。站在新的历史方位上,需践行共享发展理念,在进一步做大蛋糕的同时,更加注重把蛋糕分好,加强共享制度体系建设与民生建设,以切实增加人民群众的有效获得,提升获得感。 In new era,the principal contradiction in China have undergone an important transformation,people’s demands for a better life have become increasingly diversified.The sense of gainisthe new benchmark for testing the results of reform and development.The proposition of sense of gain takes Marxist historical materialism as the logical theoretical starting point and people’s demands as the practical starting point.Standing in the new historical direction,it is necessary to practice the concept of shared development.While making the cake bigger,more attention should be paid to dividing the cake well,and strengthening the institutional system of sharing and the construction of people’s livelihood,so as to effectively enhance the people’s effective acquisition and the sense of gain.
作者 孔艳芳 Kong Yanfang(School of Economics,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Economic Theory and Policy Research Center of Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan,250014)
出处 《经济理论与政策研究》 2019年第1期-,共12页
关键词 共享发展 获得感 主要矛盾 实践路径 Shared Development Sense of Gain Principal Contradiction Practical Path
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