
上海某既有超高层加固改造项目结构设计 被引量:2

Structural reinforcement design in renovation of an existing super high-rise building in Shanghai
摘要 随着我国城市化脚步的逐步放缓,“城市更新”的新概念开始崭露头角。为更好地适应社会发展的需要,越来越多的老建筑都面临着升级改造的任务,尤其对于位于大城市市中心的老旧超高层来说,业态调整、功能升级是摆脱运营困境,重新焕发活力的必经过程。从改造内容、不同年代规范差异、加固方法和加固效果等角度出发,阐述了上海某既有超高层加固改造项目的结构设计。经计算分析,该项目所采用的“黏滞阻尼墙+局部构件加固”的加固方法,可通过合理地布置黏滞阻尼装置,有效减小结构的地震作用、减少抗侧力构件的加固量,是一种安全、高效、经济、可行的改造加固方式。 The new concept of“Urban Regeneration”has come to the fore since the pace of urbanization in China has slowed down.In order to adapt to the needs of social development in a better level,more and more existing buildings are facing the task of upgrading and reconstruction,especially for existing super high-rise buildings located in the center of metropolis.This paper expounds the structural reinforcement design of an existing super high-rise building in Shanghai from the perspective of renovation content,code differences in different ages,reinforcement methods and effects.Through calculation and analysis,the structural reinforcement method adopted,which is known as“Viscous damping wall+Component reinforcement”,can effectively reduce the seismic power by installing viscous damping devices in the existing building in a proper way.The method is safe,efficient,economical and feasible.
作者 王启人 WANG Qiren(East China Architectural Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200002,China)
出处 《建筑结构》 北大核心 2023年第S01期1982-1988,共7页 Building Structure
关键词 加固 改造 城市更新 超高层 黏滞阻尼墙 减震 reinforcement reconstruction urban regeneration super high-rise viscous damping wall shock absorption
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