
河套平原地下水环境质量研究综述及展望 被引量:6

Research progress of groundwater environment in Hetao Plain
摘要 河套平原位于内蒙古自治区的西部,是我国最大的引黄灌区,也是内蒙古自治区重要的粮食生产地区之一.地下水是河套平原广大居民主要供水来源,但是地下水环境质量特别是地下水中砷元素的富集问题,成为制约地区经济、社会发展的重要因素,同时影响当地居民的身体健康和生活水.本文针对河套平原高砷地下水分布特征及演化机制进行重点分析,结合研究区如水化学特征、高铁、高氟、高碘地下水、灌溉区地下水质量和地下水数值模拟等地下水其他研究,对河套平原地下水环境质量研究进展进行系统论述.通过对比分析发现,人类活动对各元素释放的影响程度的相关研究较为缺乏;先进的研究方法和手段如水文地球化学模拟和环境同位素的应用在地下水环境质量研究中应用较少;对高砷、高氟等地下水的水化学特征的研究较为片面,当前研究集中在各离子浓度之间的相关分析,对地下水形成过程中所发生的水文地球化学过程研究较少.针对以上问题,本文提出了以下展望:1.选择合适的典型地质断面从时间和空间角度相结合来研究高砷、高氟等地下水的形成和演化机理;2.针对地下水环境质量开展宏观和微观机制的综合研究;3.可利用同位素技术对于地下水系统中水动力场和水化学场的指示作用以便于清楚地认识系统中发生的地球化学过程;4.运用水文地球化学模拟手段识别研究内蒙古河套平原地区开展高砷地下水演化机理,深入探讨该地区地下水中水化学特征形成演化机制.本文为进一步研究地区地下水环境提供了思路,对指导地下水环境研究及改良、防治砷对环境和人类的危害具有重要意义. Hetao Plain which is located in the west of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,is the largest irrigation area of Yellow River diversion in China and one of the important grain production areas in this area.Groundwater is the main source of water supply for the majority of residents in Hetao Plain;However the quality of groundwater,especially the accumulation of arsenic in it,seriously affects the health and living standards of local residents,and is also one of the important factors restricting the economic and social development of the region.This paper focuses on the distribution characteristics and evolution mechanism of high arsenic groundwater in Hetao Plain.Combined with other researches on groundwater such as hydrochemical characteristics,high iron,high fluorine,high iodine groundwater in the research area,groundwater quality in irrigation area and groundwater numerical simulation,the research progress of groundwater environmental quality in Hetao Plain is systematically analyzed and discussed.Through comparative analysis,it is found that there is a lack of relevant research on the extent to which human activities affect the release of various elements.Advanced research methods and means such as hydrogeochemical simulation and environmental isotopes are seldom used in groundwater environmental quality studies.The understanding of hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater with high arsenic and fluorine is not comprehensive enough.Most studies were limited to the correlation analysis of ion concentrations,and lack of the systematic analysis of hydrogeochemical processes that occur during the formation of groundwater.On the basis of previous discussion this paper presents the following suggestions.First,one can select suitable typical geological sections to study the formation and evolution mechanism of high arsenic and fluorine groundwater from the perspective of time and space.Second,comprehensive studies need to be conducted on the macro and micro mechanism of groundwater environmental quality.The isotope technique can be used to indicate the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical fields in groundwater system,which is helpful to get a clearer understanding of the geochemical processes occurring in the system.Lastly,hydrogeochemical simulation method can be used to identify the evolution mechanism of high arsenic groundwater in the Hetao Plain area of inner Mongolia,and further explore the formation and evolution mechanism of the hydrochemical characteristics in the groundwater in this area.This study provides new ideas for further study of the groundwater environment in the region,and is of great significance for guiding the research and improvement of the groundwater environment,and preventing the damage of arsenic to the environment and humans.
作者 张文凯 于坤 李勇志 冀欣阳 李丹 赵政 蒋校 ZHANG Wenkai;YU Kun;LI Yongzhi;JI Xinyang;LI Dan;ZHAO Zheng;JIANG Xiao(China Aero Geophysical Survey And Remote Sensing Center For Natural Resources,Beijing,100083,China)
出处 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期489-499,共11页 Environmental Chemistry
基金 长江上游重大区航空遥感地质调查(202012000000180609)资助。
关键词 河套平原 地下水环境质量 地下水化学 砷污染 研究进展 Hetao Plain groundwater environmental quality groundwater chemistry arsenic contamination research progress
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