
绿色开放空间对老年人社会交往的影响及其环境特征研究——基于上海市杨浦区公房社区的调查 被引量:17

Urban Green Space Feature and Its Impacts on Elderly People’s Social Life: Evidence of GPS Tracking and Social Investigation in Shanghai
摘要 绿色开放空间是促进老年人身心健康、社会交往的重要空间资源。基于上海市杨浦区公房社区老年人对绿色开放空间的使用偏好,利用GPS轨迹数据识别到4类不同的研究对象,并分别在各类绿色开放空间中针对老年人开展问卷调查(N=614)。首先基于社会生态理论构建绿色开放空间对老年人社会交往潜在影响的概念模型,继而针对建成环境特征及关键影响要素开展因子分析和多元线性回归分析。研究发现,除常规绿地公园以外,公共设施的附属绿地、街旁绿地等非正规绿地对促进老年人的社会交往同样具有重要意义。不同类型的绿色开放空间对老年人的社会交往行为发挥着不同的作用,可达性、设施配备、环境品质、设计感和安全感等环境要素对促进老年人社会交往具有显著的积极影响。 The precious urban green space(UGS) in high-density living environments plays an important role in the social interaction of the elderly. Based on the elderly’s preference for UGS in the public housing community of Yangpu District, Shanghai, this paper researches with GPS tracking to mine the existing spatial resources for the elderly to keep active and capture resources through cluster analysis of 154 seniors’ trajectory from two communities, including urban park(A), neighborhood parks(B and C), university campus(D) and street verge green space(E), and then with questionnaire survey(N=614) to verify UGS’s positive impact on community interactions. A socio-ecological model is applied to the design of research and factor analysis and multiple linear regressions are carried out to examine the association between social interaction and different types of UGS. According to the results, in addition to formal parks, informal green spaces such as the unit attached green space and street verge green space are also of great significance for promoting social interaction among the aged. Different types of UGS play different roles in the senior citizens’ social life. It is confirmed that accessibility, facilities, quality, aesthetics, and safety have a significant correlation with social interaction.
作者 胡玉婷 于一凡 张庆来 HU Yuting;YU Yifan;ZHANG Qinglai
出处 《上海城市规划》 北大核心 2021年第2期96-103,共8页 Shanghai Urban Planning Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“社区建成环境促进健康老龄化的规划响应:基于中介效应的实证研究”(编号51878456)资助
关键词 绿色开放空间 建成环境 老年人 社会交往 健康 社会生态理论 urban green space built environment the elderly social interaction health socio-ecological model
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