
农地产权模糊性问题及产权清晰化的实现路径研究 被引量:4

The Farmland Property Right Vagueness Problem and the Realization Path of Property Right Clarity
摘要 家庭联产承包责任制下蕴藏的一个重要现实问题就是农地产权模糊不清,剖析农地产权模糊性的具体表现,深入挖掘农地产权模糊性的成因,针对性地提出相应的应对策略,对于深入推进农村土地产权制度改革具有重要的作用和价值。首先,运用文献资料法梳理农地产权在所有权、承包权、经营权、发展权、继承权五个方面模糊性的具体体现,即集体土地所有权主体不明确;承包权、经营权的权利性质和权利内容界定不清,且两者之间的相互关系尚未完全厘清;农地发展权的来源、归属不确定导致农地非农化转用带来的土地增值收益分配格局混乱扭曲;农地权利继承方面的法律政策缺失。其次,农地产权模糊性的产生是多种因素综合作用的结果,其中,农地所有权的模糊性源于国家想要继续通过村委会这一代理人实现对集体土地产权的间接支配与控制;承包权、经营权和继承权的模糊是政府试图通过城乡户籍变动、成员资格的认定与农村福利(承包地、宅基地、福利分工)享受之间内在关系达到对农民向城市自由流动的调节功能,同时,确保物权属性的农地权利流动被严格封闭在本集体经济组织这一特定的区域范围内,以发挥农地对辖区内农民的社会保障功能;农地发展权的模糊源于国家有意识地通过调配土地增值收益在城乡之间的分配格局,以服务于国家宏观社会经济发展战略的需要。最后,未来实现农地产权的清晰化需要做到:重塑农村集体经济组织,改变土地所有权主体虚位的局面;厘定承包权、经营权和继承权之间的内在关系,拓展农民对土地承包经营权的处分权、扩大土地承包经营权的交易范围;界定发展权的归属、明确增值收益分配关系,达到公私兼顾的目标。 The real problem under the household contract responsibility system is the ambiguity of agricultural land property rights.This paper analyses the specific manifestation of the ambiguity of agricultural land property rights,digs deeply into the reasons of the ambiguity of agricultural land property rights,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.This paper combs the concrete manifestations of the vagueness of agricultural land property rights in five aspects by documentation method:ownership,contractual rights,management rights,development rights and inheritance rights,namely,the subject of collective land ownership is not clear;the nature and content of the rights of contractual rights and management rights are not clearly defined and the relationship between them has not been fully clarified;the uncertain origin and ownership of agricultural land development rights lead to the confusion and distortion of the distribution pattern of land value-added benefits in the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land;and the lack of laws and policies on the inheritance of agricultural land rights.The fuzziness of agricultural land property rights is the result of many factors.Among them,the fuzziness of agricultural land ownership stems from the state's desire to continue to realize the indirect control of collective land property rights through the agent of village committees.The ambiguity of contract right,management right and inheritance right is that the government tries to regulate the free flow of peasants to cities through the internal relationship between the change of household registration in urban and rural areas,the confirmation of membership and the enjoyment of rural welfare(contracted land,residential land,welfare division of labor).At the same time,it ensures that the flow of rural land rights with property right attribute is strictly confined in this specific area of collective economic organization,within the specific regional scope of the collective economic organization,the social security function of the farmland to the peasants in the area under its jurisdiction can be brought into full play.The ambiguity of the right to agricultural land development stems from the state's conscious allocation pattern of land value-added benefits between urban and rural areas to serve the needs of the national macro-economic development strategy.In order to realize the clarification of agricultural land property rights in the future,we need to reshape rural collective economic organizations,change the situation of the vacancy of the main body of farmland ownership,define the internal relationship among contractual rights,management rights and inheritance rights,expand farmers'disposition rights of land contractual management rights,expand the scope of land contractual management rights transactions and define the ownership of the right of farmland development,clarify the distribution relationship of value-added income,and achieve the goal of both public and private.
作者 刘灵辉 LIU Ling-hui(Yangtze Delta Research Institute of University of Electronic Science and Technology(Huzhou),313001;School of Public Administration of UESTC,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期154-169,共16页 Hebei Law Science
基金 2022年四川省社科规划重点研究基地重大项目“技术驱动与治理变革:区块链与农村土地规模化流转的结合创新研究”(SC22EZD064) 四川省软科学项目“四川省城乡融合发展评价测度与实现路径研究”(2022JDR0163)的阶段性成果
关键词 农地产权 模糊性 所有权 承包权 经营权 发展权 继承权 产权清晰化 farmland property rights ambiguity ownership contractual rights management rights development rights inheritance rights property right clarity
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