
理想与现实:党内法规学学科建设之路 被引量:3

Ideal and Reality:Path of Discipline Construction of Intraparty Rules and Regulations
摘要 党内法规学学科建设是党内法规人才培养的基础性工程。从学科属性上讲,党内法规学作为一门独立学科,并无多大争议。当前争议较大的是党内法规学的学科定位,即设置为二级学科还是一级学科,以及如果设置为一级学科则应是在法学门类下还是在交叉学科门类下。根据现行学科管理制度规定,二级学科设置的决定权在高校,党内法规学究竟属于何种一级学科之下的二级学科,在很大程度上取决于相关高校一级学科建设的条件及主观认识。理想目标是,党内法规学很有必要发展为一个独立的一级学科,但基于党内法规研究状况、学科设置主客观条件等因素制约,现实条件尚不具备。目前较为稳妥的党内法规学学科建设之路,是在法学或其他符合条件的一级学科下设置二级学科,同时要用好一级学科设置实行先探索试点、成熟后再进目录的放管结合新机制,面向法学门类下的一级学科谋篇布局,保持稳中求进总基调,确保党内法规学学科建设行稳致远。 The discipline construction of intraparty rules and regulations is the basic project for the training of intraparty rules and regulations talents.From the perspective of discipline attribute,there is little controversy over the intraparty rules and regulations as an independent discipline.What is controversial at present is the discipline orientation of intraparty rules and regulations,as a second-level discipline or a firstlevel discipline.If it is set as a first-level discipline,there will be a question about whether it should be under the category of law or inter-discipline.According to the current discipline management system,the decisionmaking power of setting second-level disciplines belongs to colleges and universities.To a large extent,what kind of first-level discipline does intraparty rules and regulations as a second-level discipline belong to depends on the conditions and subjective understanding of the construction of first-level disciplines in relevant colleges and universities.The ideal goal is that it is very necessary to develop the intraparty rules and regulations into an independent first-level discipline.However,due to the constraints of the research status of intraparty rules and regulations,the subjective and objective conditions of discipline setting and other factors,the realistic conditions are not yet available.At present,the applicable way to build the discipline of intraparty rules and regulations is to set up the second-level discipline under the law or other qualified first-level disciplines.At the same time,we should make good use of the new mechanism of combining deregulation and regulation in the setting of firstlevel disciplines,setting a pilot discipline,constructing it and maturing it before it is admitted to the discipline catalogue.And we should plan the layout of first-level disciplines under the category of law and maintain the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability to ensure that the discipline construction of intraparty rules and regulations is stable and sustainable.
作者 王伟国 Wang Weiguo
出处 《党内法规研究》 2023年第1期23-39,共17页 Research on Intraparty Rules and Regulations
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国共产党依规治党的历史逻辑、理论逻辑与实践逻辑研究”(21&ZD042)
关键词 党内法规 学科建设 依规治党 中国共产党之治 中国之治 intraparty rules and regulations discipline construction rule-based governance over the Party the rule of the CPC the law-based governance in China
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