
《承认与执行外国民商事判决公约》评介与展望 被引量:9

Commentary and Outlook on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters
摘要 2019年7月2日,海牙国际私法会议第二十二届外交大会通过了《承认与执行外国民商事判决公约》,这是民商事判决国际流通方面最具影响力的国际法律文书。本文简要回顾了公约谈判历程,系统介绍了公约宗旨目的、适用范围、管辖基础、灵活机制等内容,结合外交大会中的焦点问题详述了中国代表团的立场主张,并深入分析了公约的积极意义和未来前景。 On 2 July 2019, the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters was adopted by the 22 nd Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The Convention has a great influence on the global circulation of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters. This article introduces the background of the Convention,and illustrates the contents of the Convention, including the scope of application, jurisdictional bases and flexible mechanisms. It also elaborates the position of the Chinese delegation on some important issues discussed during the Diplomatic Session, and analyzes in depth the significance and prospect of the Convention.
作者 孙笑非 吴琼 SUN Xiaofei;WU Qiong
机构地区 外交部条法司
出处 《国际法学刊》 2019年第1期155-164,170,共11页 Journal of International Law
关键词 承认与执行外国民商事判决公约 海牙国际私法会议 判决项目 民商事司法合作 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters the Hague Conference on Private International Law the Judgments Project Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters
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