

Analysis of prescription pattern in treating lung cancer with traditional Chinese medicine based on the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support platform
摘要 目的利用中医传承辅助系统平台,分析总结古今著作中收载的典型中医药治疗肺癌方剂的用药组方规律。方法筛选关于中医药治疗肺癌的古今经典书籍,将其收录的处方数据录入中医传承辅助平台(V3.0),采用软件的数据分析模块,分析治疗肺癌方剂中所用药物的四气、五味、归经及使用频次、组方规律和高频药物使用剂量,总结用药规律。结果纳入书籍16本,记载处方452张,涉及中药626味。药物以补气药、补阴药、清热解毒药、利水渗湿药为主,用药频次最多的10味药及其常用剂量分别为:茯苓(15 g)、白花蛇舌草(30 g)、麦冬(15 g)、南沙参(15 g)、黄芪(30 g)、鱼腥草(30 g)、北沙参(15 g)、甘草(10 g)、白术(15 g)、陈皮(10 g);药物配伍频次前5位的药对组合为白术-茯苓、白花蛇舌草-半枝莲、陈皮-茯苓、黄芪-茯苓、鱼腥草-白花蛇舌草;共挖掘出核心药物组合6个:茯苓-白术-党参、茯苓-白术-黄芪、茯苓-白术-陈皮、白花蛇舌草-麦冬-鱼腥草、白花蛇舌草-麦冬-北沙参、麦冬-北沙参-南沙参。结论古今书籍收载的经典处方用药规律结果显示,肺癌用药以扶正培本、益气养阴、清热解毒、软坚散结为主,药物选择以归肺、胃、脾经,寒性,甘味和苦味药物为主,进而为中医药治疗肺癌提供用药指导,并为从高频药物中研发治疗肺癌的现代药物提供基础。 Objective Using the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)inheritance support platform,prescriptions for lung cancer from ancient and modern works were analyzed to identify prescription patterns.Methods Following the screening of classic TCM books in ancient and modern times,data of TCM prescriptions for lung cancer were entered into the Platform(V3.0).Using the data analysis module of the platform,the medication patterns of TCM for lung cancer were examined.This analysis included the the four natures,five flavors,meridian tropism,and use frequency of the drugs,prescription patterns,and dosage of high-frequency drugs.Results The analysis included 16 books,comprising 452 prescriptions that involved 626 TCM drugs.Commonly used drug types include Qi-tonifying,Yin-tonifying,heat-clearing and detoxicating,as well as diuretic and dampness-excreting medications.The ten most frequently used drugs and their typical doses were as follows:Poria cocos(15 g),Hedyotis diffusa(30 g),Ophiopogon japonicus(15 g),Adenophora tetraphylla(15 g),Astragalus membranaceus(30 g),Houttuynia cordata(30 g),Radix glehniae(15 g),Glycyrrhiza uralensis(10 g),Atractylodes macrocephala(15 g),and Tangerine peels(10 g).The five most common drug combinations were Atractylodes macrocephala with Poria cocos,Hedyotis diffusa with Scutellaria barbata,Tangerine peel with Poria cocos,Astragalus membranaceus with Poria cocos,and Houttuynia cordata with Hedyotis diffusa.A total of 6 core drug combinations were identified,including Poria cocos-Atractylodes macrocephala-Codonopsis pilosula,Poria cocos-Atractylodes macrocephala-Astragalus membranaceus,Poria cocos-Atractylodes macrocephala-Tangerine peels,Hedyotis diffusa-Ophiopogon japonicus-Houttuynia cordata,Hedyotis diffusa-Ophiopogon japonicus-Radix glehniae,and Ophiopogon japonicus-Radix glehniae-Adenophora tetraphylla.Conclusion The analysis of prescription patterns from ancient and modern books reveals that the treatment approach for lung cancer primarily focuses on strengthening the foundation,tonifying Qi and Yin,clearing heat and toxic materials,and resolving hard lumps.The drug selection predominantly targets the lung,stomach,and spleen meridians and primarily involves cold,sweet,and bitter medications.The findings of this study offer insights for the clinical management of lung cancer using TCM and lay a groundwork for the development of modern lung cancer treatments derived from high-frequency drugs.
作者 黄倩 邹妍琳 谭小蓉 王文祥 周雪峰 谭小燕 Huang Qian;Zou Yanlin;Tan Xiaorong;Wang Wenxiang;Zhou Xuefeng;Tan Xiaoyan(Chongqing Three Gorges Medical College,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Development and Utilization of Genuine Medicinal Materials in Three Gorges Reservoir Area,Chongqing 404120,China)
出处 《数字医学与健康》 2024年第3期159-166,共8页 DIGITAL MEDICINE AND HEALTH
基金 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2020jcyj-msxmX1049)
关键词 中医药治疗 肺癌 处方分析 组方规律 中医传承辅助平台 Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)treatment Lung cancer Prescription analysis Prescription patterns Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support platform
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