
一维粗糙面散射的射线追踪法研究 被引量:2

Studying on the Scattering of One-dimensional Rough Surface Using Ray Tracing Technique
摘要 在考虑遮蔽效应的情况下,应用射线追踪法对一维导体和介质的高斯粗糙面的散射系数进行了研究,并分别计算了考虑一次反射和二次反射的散射系数。同时,利用蒙特卡罗法生成一维高斯粗糙面,计算了考虑一次、二次反射和遮蔽时不同均方根斜率粗糙面的平均散射系数。 In this paper,the scattering coefficient with multiple reflections and shadowing of a one-dimensional perfectly-conducting or dielectric rough surface is computed by a ray tracing method,based on the geometric optics approximation,Considering the shadowing effect and the single or double reflections,the average scattering coefficient is obtained by generating the one-dimensional Gaussian surface from Monte-Carlo with variable incidence and square root slopes.
出处 《光散射学报》 2007年第3期268-271,共4页 The Journal of Light Scattering
关键词 射线追踪法 散射系数 菲涅尔系数 几何光学近似 Ray tracing method scattering coefficient Fresnel coefficient geometrical optics approximation
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