为更好地发挥微格教学理论在实际教学中的作用 ,作者通过自己微格教学理论学习和工作实践的反思 ,对微格教学实践中教学组织安排 ,模拟教学环境设计 ,针对性地训练 ,激发起学生的学习动机 ,反馈点评工作 ,消除学生心理障碍 ,提高学生的心理素质等方面的问题进行了讨论 ,提出自己的一些拙见 ,意欲推动微格教学在高等师范教育中的发展 .
Based on experiences,It is discussed the following points:the organization of the teaching,the design of the teaching enviroment and special training for students,as well as feedback and comment on their work.Besides the author also proposes ideas on how to stimulate students’learning motivation,how to dissolve their mental obstacles and how to improve their psychology quality. Suggestions are put forward to strengthen the development of the microteaching in the higher education of teachers.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition