Objectives To investigate the causes, theraputic and preventive methods of com- plications associated with transcatheter occlusion of at- rial septal defect ( ASD) using the Amplatzer septal oc- cluder (ASO) in children. Methods 289 cases un- derwent transcatheter closure of ASD with ASO. Com- plications occurred in 9 cases. The complications in procedure included systemic circulatory systemic air embolism in 2, pulmonary air embolism in 1, pericar- dial tamponade in 1, ASO malposition requiring emer- gency surgical removal in 1, transient atrial extrasysto- les in 1 and sizing balloon rupture in 1 case. 2 cases with postoperative complications were found in the fol- low-up studies. These included perforation of mitral valve and ASO partially dislodged. In this study, 5 children with intraoperative complication received e- mergency therapy including surgical intervention, and others needed only follow-up, as the complications were transient or asymptomatic. Results There were no children death in this study. The 5 cases who re- ceived treatment were completely healing, and the oth- ers with intra - procedure complications were also had no sequela existed. Cases with mitral valve and ASO partially dislodged were still in follow-up studies, as the 2 patients having no symptoms. Conclutions Air embolism were occurred easily in atrial septal defect cases who received ASO therapy. Complications mainly caused by inappropriate operative procedure and some complications needed emergency treatments. Follow-up studies were important to cases with transcatheter oc- clusion therapy.
Objectives To investigate the causes, theraputic and preventive methods of com- plications associated with transcatheter occlusion of at- rial septal defect ( ASD) using the Amplatzer septal oc- cluder (ASO) in children. Methods 289 cases un- derwent transcatheter closure of ASD with ASO. Com- plications occurred in 9 cases. The complications in procedure included systemic circulatory systemic air embolism in 2, pulmonary air embolism in 1, pericar- dial tamponade in 1, ASO malposition requiring emer- gency surgical removal in 1, transient atrial extrasysto- les in 1 and sizing balloon rupture in 1 case. 2 cases with postoperative complications were found in the fol- low-up studies. These included perforation of mitral valve and ASO partially dislodged. In this study, 5 children with intraoperative complication received e- mergency therapy including surgical intervention, and others needed only follow-up, as the complications were transient or asymptomatic. Results There were no children death in this study. The 5 cases who re- ceived treatment were completely healing, and the oth- ers with intra - procedure complications were also had no sequela existed. Cases with mitral valve and ASO partially dislodged were still in follow-up studies, as the 2 patients having no symptoms. Conclutions Air embolism were occurred easily in atrial septal defect cases who received ASO therapy. Complications mainly caused by inappropriate operative procedure and some complications needed emergency treatments. Follow-up studies were important to cases with transcatheter oc- clusion therapy.