本文主要分析了 2 0世纪 90年代以来美国公众的中国观及其形成原因 ,并探讨了其如何影响美国对华政策。调查数据表明 ,冷战结束后 ,美国公众对中国和中美关系的重要性的认识有所提高 ,而对中国的情感性态度和信任程度却很低 ,将发展强大的中国看成是对美国的“严重威胁”。文章认为 ,美国公众对中国的看法和态度主要通过形成“舆论环境”作用于美国对华政策 ,但是在不同的决策背景、问题领域和政策进程中的影响程度有所不同 ,并在很大程度上取决于美国决策者 ,特别是总统本人对公众舆论的态度。
The article analyses America's public views of China in the 1990s and since and the causes for such views. It discusses how these views influence American policy toward China. Survey data show that since the end of the Cold War American public recognition of the importance of China and Sino-US relations has increased, but the feeling toward China and trust in China remain low, regarding a developing and stronger China as a 'serious threat' to the United States. The article holds that the views and attitude of American public constitute a 'public opinion environment,' which, in turn, influences U.S. China policy. However, the influence varies in terms of different decision-making backgrounds, issue areas and policy processes. To a large degree, such influence depends on the attitude toward public opinion held by American decision-makers, especially the President.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies