研究了辽东栎 (Quercusliaotungensis)林生物量、能量分配和能量密度过程 ,结果表明 ,辽东栎林的生物量在60~ 2 0 0t·hm- 2 之间 ,乔木层的生物量在 50~ 1 60t·hm- 2 之间 ,在林分中所占比例为 80 %~ 98% ,辽东栎生物量在林分中所占比例从 40 %到 1 0 0 % ,净初级生产力从 5t·hm- 2 ·a- 1 到 2 4t·hm- 2 ·a- 1 。辽东栎群落能量现存密度为 830 0 0kcal·m- 2 ,其中乔木层占 96 .65 %、灌木层占 3 .1 2 %、草本层占 0 .2 3 %。乔木层中各器官能量密度排列顺序是树干 >树根 >树枝 >树叶 ,比例是 4 :3 :2 :1 ,灌木层中 ,各器官能量密度顺序是干 >枝 >根 >叶。最后给出了该类森林生态系统变化的生物量和能量概念模式 ,为下一步建立抽象的数学模型 ,建立可操作能实用的计算机模拟模型打下了基础。
Close relation exits between biomass and energy density at forest ecosystems, usually expressed as linear relation. The deciduous broad_leaved forest located in Dongling Mt. area near urban Beijing in warm temperate zone was studied for the biomass and energy. The oak (Quercus liaotungensis) forest was broadly distributed in Dongling Mt., where the height of trees in the forest is no more than 15 m, coverage index is about 80%, composition of dominated tree species are Betula dahurica, Acer mono, Betula platyphylla, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla . Biomass or current mass refers to the organic mass per unit area exiting in forest ecosystem during certain periods, it is usually expressed as dry mass. The measurement of forest biomass traditionally was carried out by harvest method. Energy was measured by taking organ samples by harvest and increment core methods, followed by drying, granulating and measuring. The biomass and energy partitioning in the warm temperate deciduous broad_leaved forest were analyzed. The partition of biomass and energy in oak forest ecosystems showed that the dominant tree species oak accounts for the biggest percentage in the forest. The biomass of oak forest was 60_200 t·hm -2 , tree layer 50_160 t·hm -2 . The percentage of tree layer biomass in community was 80%_90%, the percentage of oak biomass is 40%_100%. The forest net primary production was 5_24 t·hm -2 . The standing total energy value of the oak community was 83000 kcal·m -2 . The tree layer accounted for 96.65%, shrub layer 3.12%, and herb layer 0.23%. The energy density orders at different organs of tree layer were stem, root, branch and leaf, and the ratio was in 4∶3∶2∶1. Shrub layer orders were stem, branch, root and leaf. After the biomass and energy density were analyzed, the concept model was developed for biomass and energy. The concept model would be the basis for abstracted mathematical and computer models will be established.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX1_10_0 5)
国家自然科学基金研究计划项目 ( 90 10 2 0 0 9)
Biomass, Energy, Warm temperate, Deciduous broad_leaved forest