

BNP Peregrine to Expand in China
摘要 百富勤在中国市场上之所以有一定的声誉,一个重要的原因就是它的创新意识。创新建立在我们对客户需求和市场发展充分理解的基础上。中国资本市场的深度和广度的空间都非常大,百富勤要伴随着中国经济的高速增长做大、做强中国市场。 BNP Peregrine has earned for itself a name in Chinese market through their consistent effort in creation and innovation.Creation and innovation are based on the full understanding of the needs of customers and market trends.Seeing the extensive scope of China s capital market,BNP Peregrine will try to expand its market share in China as the country s economy grows at a rapid pace.
出处 《中国科技财富》 2002年第3期34-38,4,共6页 China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine
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