

Analysis of Data about Junior Students' Entrance Examination of Sports Achievements of Liupanshui City in 2008.
摘要 六盘水市2008年中学体育升学考试显示:本次体育中考成绩,男生平均分为36.7分,女生为38.3分,整体能达到中等偏上水平,女生成绩略高于男生。中学体育教学工作应根据实际情况,采取积极有效的措施,在原有的基础上,进一步加强中小学体育教学设施建设,增加学校场地器材,重视学校体育在教育中的地位。地方教育行政部门要加强宣传力度,利用各种机会宣传体育考试的作用,营造良好的社会气氛,提高各级相关部门、学校师生及学生家长的认识,更好地开展体育教学工作。 The entrance examination of junior P.E of liupanshui city in 2008 shows:the average achievement of male is 36.7,and the females is 38.3,the female's score is higher than the male's students in total, According to the actual Condition of the middle P.E teaching,the schools should take some effective measures to improve their teaching facilities,increase the ground instruments,and focus on the educational position of P.E. The local educational departments should publicize the importance of P.E. and produce a good social atmosphere so that they can improve understanding of all kinds of relative departments, teachers and students,and parents,and it can also develop the teaching of P.E better.
作者 陈波
出处 《六盘水师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第6期30-33,共4页 Journal of Liupanshui Teachers College
关键词 体育考试 目标效果 过程管理评价 P.E examination the effect of objective: the judgment of management
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