The structure and pattern of plant communities in the transitional zones or ecotones between biomes change most notably. However, little is studied or made known about what are the key soil factors that allow dominant shrubby or herbaceous species from adjacent communities to coexist in the transitional zones, and how these species respond to the changes in the soil conditions. The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between the distribution patterns of shrub and herb species and the soil structure in the desert and the steppe desert transitional zones. A total of 5 samling belts, each with 100 quadrats, distributing in different sites, were designed to survey the vegetation and to collect the soil samples. The results indicate that fine-texture soil is highly correlated with the percentage of cover and biomass for both shrub and herbaceous species. Shrub cover is found to be positively correlated with soil moisture at 60~150 cm depth (P<0.01), but is negatively correlated with the soil unit weight, sand content, pH value, Si content, and water content in 0~60 cm soil layer. The diversity, extent of coverage, and biomass of herbaceous species are positively correlated with the soil surface content of silt, clay, organic matter, total N, and some microelements such as Rb, V, and Ni, but negatively correlated to deeper soil's unit weight, EC, pH, and water content. The results of stepwise regression analysis show that the soil moisture and texture are highly correlated with the structure and distribution pattern of vegetation. The present study partly supports Sala's conceptual model. However, the key factors that determine the proportion of shrub of herbaceous species in the composition of a plant community are the soil moisture and other parameters such as nutrients and so on.
Acta Agrestia Sinica
Grassland sicence
Soil texture
Soil physico-chemical properties
Available water
Dominant species