

On The Challenge And Defense Principle And The Perfection of Interrogation
摘要 质疑抗辩原则包括平等对抗原则、辩论原则和质疑原则 ,体现了程序正义、实体正义和效率等现代司法价值 ,应该成为我国庭审质证活动的基本原则。在我国 ,诉讼双方无法均衡对抗、质证规则与程序缺失等现象从根本上违背了质疑抗辩原则 ,必须完善证据庭前展示制度 ,强化诉讼双方的质证能力 ,合理定位法官程序引导权 ,建立合理的质证程序和建立健全科学的质证规则 ,以切实贯彻质疑抗辩原则 ,完善质证活动。 The challenge and defense principle, including the principle of equal opposition , the principle of debate and the principle of challenge , embodies such modern judicial values as procedural justice, substantive justice and efficiency. In China, there are some phenomena, which violate the challenge and defense principle fundamentally. To carry out the principle in practice and make interrogation perfect, something should be done which includes making discovery perfect, strengthening cross-examination ability of both party, making procedure leading right of judges more clear, setting up the appearance of witness system and making the cross-examination rule perfect and scientific.
作者 马向 郭欣阳
机构地区 燕山大学法学系
出处 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2004年第6期77-80,共4页 Journal of Heilongjiang Administrative Cadre College of Politics and Law
关键词 质疑抗辩原则 质证 程序正义 实体正义 效率 the challenge and defense principle interrogation procedural justice substantive justice efficiency
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