立法授权应遵循必要性原则和明确性原则。必要性原则要求立法机关在立法授权时必须充分考虑授权立法的存在条件是否具备 ,采取授权立法是否符合社会需要 ,能否降低所规范社会事务的重要程度 ,能否影响有关法律制度的协调一致性。明确性原则要求立法授权时 ,必须明确指明授权目的、理由、内容、范围、时限、审批备案制度等 ,应遵循一事一授的原则 ,避免成批授权或者一揽子授权 。
Basic principles of legislation authorization are the principle of necessary and the principle of definitude. The principle of necessary is a restriction against arbitrary legislation authorization, which requires the legislature must give full consideration to the factors that whether there is existing conditions of authorized legislation, whether authorized legislation is complied with social need, whether the importance of social affairs regulated may be decreased, and whether the harmony of legal system may be effected. The principle of definitude requires the objective, reasons, content, scope, time limit, system of putting examination and approval on record, and so on. And this principle also requires the principle of one-case-one-authorization should be complied with in order to avoid passel of or package of authorization and the uncertain law concept should be used properly.
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Legislation authorization
The principle of necessary
The principle of definitude