以辉光放电原子发射光谱法测定钢铁表面纳米尺度薄膜的厚度为例进行了膜厚测定的多家实验室共同试验。对共同试验的结果进行了计算,得到相应的重复性和再现性数据,得出膜厚与重复性之间的关系为:lgr=0.018 3+0.459 6 lgm;膜厚与再现性之间的关系为:lgR=0.140 9+0.485 lgm。并对共同试验中出现的准确度问题——薄膜的密度和最小光源稳定时间进行了讨论。
The collaborative analyses of the nano-scale film thickness on steel surface were made by several labs.Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry was chosen as a representative example in the experiments.The relevant repeatability and reproducibility data were gained through calculating the analysis results of the collaborative experiments.The relationship between thickness of the nano-scale film on steel surface and repeatability as well as reproducibility of analysis results was demonstrated as lgr=0.01...
Baosteel Technology