人与自然的关系本身并不具有伦理意义 ,它只是人与人伦理关系的表现和中介 ;“人类中心主义”是把人类的整体利益作为评价和判断一切行为活动的标准的一种价值观 ,它并不必然导致人类沙文主义和对生态环境的破坏 ,相反 ,由此出发同样可以提出保护环境的任务和责任 ;一个存在物是否具有“内在价值”或“感觉能力”不是它们是否应享有道德关怀的依据 ,而主要取决于道德主体对他与这些存在物的关系的认识。人与自然的关系是一个相互联系、相互制约的有机整体 ,为了保护全人类共同生存和发展的家园 ,人类理应为维护生态系统的平衡做出贡献 。
The relationship between man and nature itself is not of ethics nature. Such relationship is only an expression and media of ethics. 'Man_as_the_center' doctrine takes the over_all interest of man as the standard to valuate and judge all happenings. It will not necessarily leads to human Chauvinism and destruction of the environment. On the contrary, it may lead to the duty and tasks of the protection of environment. Whether an existence has the 'inner value'or 'ability to feel' will not decide if it should enjoy the moral concern. It will be decided by the moral subject and its relationship with the existence. The relationship between man and nature is an integrated whole. In order to protect the home for their co_existence and development, the human beings should make contributions to the ecological balance and harmonious co_existence of all species in nature.
Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
man_as_the_center' doctrine
ethics relationship
inner value
moral concern