
同种异体脱细胞真皮基质补片在腹股沟疝无张力修补术中的初步应用 被引量:6

Clinical preliminary study on allogeneic acellular dermal matrix patch in tension-free inguinal hernia repair
摘要 目的探讨应用同种异体脱细胞真皮基质材料的生物补片在腹股沟疝无张力修补中治疗的效果。方法 2010年6月至2011年6月应用脱细胞真皮基质补片修补腹股沟疝50例,其中男44例,女6例;中位年龄45岁;单侧腹股沟疝47例,双侧疝3例;伴疝嵌顿8例,伴肠坏死行一期肠切除、肠吻合术的2例,伴局部明显感染者6例,复发疝4例。均应用同种异体脱细胞真皮基质补片行无张力疝修补手术,术后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月门诊随访复查,观察记录伤口愈合、积液、局部异物感或慢性疼痛以及复发等情况。结果 49例患者伤口Ⅰ期愈合,仅1例发生切口脂肪液化,经换药后愈合。所有患者均获得随访,随访时间1个月至1年,复发1例,术后均无腹壁异物感和慢性疼痛发生。结论同种异体脱细胞真皮基质材料的生物补片修补腹股沟疝,术后并发症少,疗效安全、可靠,可作为无张力疝修补术的理想材料。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of allogenic acellular dermal matrix in tension-free hernioplasty of inguinal hernia.Methods From June 2010 to June 2011,a total of 50 patients with inguinal hernia in our hospital were treated with allogeneic dermal matrix patch.Preoperative and postoperative parameters such as clinical informations of patients,postoperative complications and recurrence rate were recorded and analysed.Results There were no material hypersensitivity occurred among patients during the followed-up time from 1 to 12 months.One patient suffered incision liquefaction,and there was one case of recurrence,whereas no chronic pain and local foreign body sensation occured.Conclusions Tension-free inguinal hernia repair with allogeneic acellular dermal matrix patch has good results and with limited postoperative complications,and could be applied in the clinical practice as a rational materials.
出处 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2011年第17期5017-5021,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
关键词 腹股沟 脱细胞真皮基质 疝修补术 Hernia,inguinal Acellular dermal matrix Herniorrhaphy
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