
英语本科生词块能力调查 被引量:274

A Survey of Chinese English Majors' Chunk Competence
摘要 文章报告了对英语专业学生词块能力的一项实证性调查。调查采用能力测试的形式,结合定性和定量分析探求词块能力和语言能力的关系。结果表明:词块能力与语言综合能力及具体语言技能之间均具有显著的正相关。因此可以认为词块能力是语言能力的一项重要指标。同时也发现中国英语学习者的词块能力总体来说不容乐观。 This paper aims to investigate the chunk competence of Chinese English majors and probe into the relationship between chunk competence and language proficiency. A survey composed of multiple choice and translation is used to test both receptive knowledge and productive competence of the students of the first and fourth years. It turns out that chunk competence is positively correlated with language proficiency, and also with listening, reading, writing and translation. Hence, chunk competence can serve as an important indicator of language proficiency. It is also found that Chinese students' chunk competence as a whole is far from satisfactory, so there is an urgent need to introduce chunk into teaching.
作者 刁琳琳
机构地区 [
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2004年第4期35-38,共4页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 英语学习者 词块能力 语言能力 English learners chunk competence language proficiency
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