
对西方个人主义的辩证反思 被引量:2

The Dialectical Reflection on Western Individualism
摘要 长期以来,人们对西方个人主义都是怀着敌视的态度,因而对于其合理性的一面也往往被否定,使得我国社会主义、集体主义道德长期以来只重视社会利益,轻视或否定个人利益。但肯定西方个人主义的合理性,并不等于我们必须把个人主义当作我们社会主义的道德原则。相反,西方个人主义由于其本身存在的局限性,受到包括西方资本主义国家在内的专家、学者的反对。 People have been holding hostile attitude towards western individualism for a long time.Due to this kind of attitude,the rational side of it has been denied,which makes Chinese socialism collectivism moral only focus on social interest,but ignore or deny personal interest.However,affirming the rational side of western individualism does not mean that we must use individualism as the socialism moral principle.To the opposite,because of its limitations,western individualism is opposed by the experts and scholars from western capitalism countries.
作者 耿步健
出处 《内蒙古财经学院学报(综合版)》 2007年第2期52-54,共3页 Journal of inner Mongolia finance and economics college
关键词 个人主义 进步性 局限性 反思 individualism advance limitation reflection
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