
义齿用预烧结氧化锆高速铣削时刀具磨损及寿命预测 被引量:7

Predict on cutter wear and life in high-speed milling of pre-sintered zirconia used for denture
摘要 为了准确判断和预测义齿铣削加工过程中刀具的磨损状况及磨损趋势,通过对义齿用预烧结氧化锆陶瓷进行系统的高速铣削加工试验,研究了切削参数及切削时间对刀具磨损的影响。按等时间间隔采集实测的刀具磨损数据,给出不同铣削速度下的刀具磨损曲线,基于灰色理论建立了刀具铣削磨损量的灰色预报模型(GM(1,1)),并对特定工况下的刀具磨损量及其寿命进行了预报,理论计算及试验验证表明预测值与实测值吻合较好,所建模型精度较高,能很好地满足铣削预烧结氧化锆陶瓷义齿时刀具寿命的预测要求,为合理使用、更换铣刀,保证义齿工件的加工质量提供了可靠依据。 In order to judge and predict the wear condition and wear trend of milling tool in denture machining process,a series of cutting experiments for pre-sintered zirconia is conducted to study the effect of the cutting parameters and cutting time on the tool wear in high-speed milling.A prediction model(GM(1,1))of cutter wear is introduced based on the theory of gray system after analyzing the tool wear data collected in the same time interval.The curves of the tool wear are provided at different cutter milling speeds.The cutter wearing capacity and lifetime can be forecasted based on this model,whose precision is verified after analyzing and comparing the measured value in an experiment.The prediction model can meet the demand of cutter forecast life used in high-speed milling of pre-sintered zirconia ceramic dentures and propose a way to change tools in proper time.All of these provide reliable basis to guarantee the machining quality of denture workpieces.
出处 《南京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期567-572,578,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2009BAI81B02) 教育部博士点基金项目(20070287055) 安徽省自然科学基金(1308085QE93)
关键词 预烧结氧化锆 高速铣削 TiAlN涂层铣刀 灰色理论 刀具磨损 刀具寿命 预测模型 pre-sintered zirconia high-speed milling milling cutter coated with TiAlN grey theory cutter wear cutter life forecasting model
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