词的形态理据有利于学习者的词汇习得 ,这似乎是一个共识。然而这一共识一直缺乏实验证据的支持。本研究通过两组被试 (未借助形态分析 /借助形态分析 )进行词汇记忆实验。结果显示 ,两组被试的识记效率差异非常显著。根据实验结果 ,本文讨论了词汇分解的储存模式及其对记忆多词素词的重要性 ,并从词汇心理表征的形成与发展这一角度讨论赋值、匹配机制与词汇习得的密切关系。实验结果支持了词的形态理据对词汇习得有重要影响的假设。
A common understanding about morphological motivation in favor of learners' lexical acquisition has long lacked the support of experimental evidence. The author carried out a word memory experiment and two tests (immediate and delayed) on two groups of subjects. The statistical results of both items and subjects show that the experimental group (with the help of morphological motivation) significantly outperformed the controlled group (without the help of morphological motivation) (P<0.0001). Based on these results, the paper discusses the vital importance of decompositional representation to memorizing multi_morphemic words, and a close link between the value attachment, matching and lexical acquisition from the viewpoint of mental lexicon. The paper also puts forward the view that learners should be encouraged to apply visual representation in word recognition. The experimental outcomes support such a hypothesis that morphological motivation has a significant influence on lexical acquisition.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research